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Vicki Zatarain

Vicki ZatarainThank you for your interest in my tome. I am a native New Orleanian who truly knows what it means to miss New Orleans. Being an avid reader, I once read that Margaret Mitchell's husband told her "For God's sake, Peggy, can't you write a book instead f reading thousands of them." Like Margaret (who apparently goes by Peggy), I too decided to take that sage advice and offer this debut novel. My affinity for tango, poetry, opera, musical theater and my own series of non-serendipitous events inspired this writing. As a master of the 'almost' (but 'almost' only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and pies falling on ants), I feel uniquely qualified in addressing serendipity's opposite. I occasionally indulge in buying a lottery ticket, and against even greater odds, I still believe in love thus my foray into the realm of romance. As a huge Italophile, Italy will play a major part in my subsequent novel. Read More Read Less

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Opposite of Serendipity
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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30 Mar 2023
International Edition
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