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Wayne M Bailey

Wayne M BaileyWayne M. Bailey has recently published his debut science fiction novel - The Mars Migration. Born and raised in Walsall, England, Wayne worked as an apprentice electrician before leaving the practical side of the electrical field to move into the sals side of the industry. During his youth, Wayne's fascination with the unknown was sparked when he witnessed a UFO in his hometown, also learning about his father's own UFO experience, barely two streets away. This, coupled with being a huge science fiction movie geek, growing up in the eighties with the amazing selection of films that we did, provided the inspiration for creating a science fiction work of his own. Visit him online at: www.marsmigration.comWayne is an engaging author who loves to interact with people on social media. He loves to read about UFO reports and space developments in general. He loves his family, an ale, and holidays. He particularly loves the South west of England, Cornwall and South Devon, also all parts of Wales.Wayne's main objective is that people simply enjoy the story that he has to tell. Read More Read Less

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Mars Migration
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20 Sep 2022
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