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William Anthony Scurry

William Anthony ScurryWilliam, born in Sharon, PA, was raised in Buffalo, NY, as the oldest of three brothers. He was married to the love of his life, Margo, for thirty-six years before he passed away in 2017.He was an accomplished and admired real estate professional forover thirty-five years, mostly in the Charlotte, NC area. William never met a stranger in his life and had a love for reading, writing poetry and writing skits for his church. William was very devoted to his church home and served there in many capacities, even starting a Care and Compassion Ministry with Margo.William had a smile that would light up the room. A profound storyteller, many of his clients loved his stories so much that they would allow him to ride around, showing them houses for days even when they had already made up their minds. They did that just to hear more of his stories and be in his remarkable presence. Read More Read Less

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Santa's Sistah Saves Christmas
Publisher: Margo Scurry
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09 Dec 2023
International Edition
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