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Zariah L Banks

Zariah L BanksZariah L. Banks is an emotional intimacy novelist who focuses on contemporary dating topics, vulnerability, and nurturing intimacy in long-term relationships to improve communication and prevent emotional and physical transgressions in romantic relatonships. Zariah feels everyone deserves to be loved, regardless of trauma or challenges that may lie in their future. She believes there is someone out there who will love us for exactly who we are, but the journey isn't about finding them. The journey is about healing and becoming our best selves so that we can better enjoy and appreciate them when our paths cross. She uses messy main characters to create casual romance stories that are both entertaining and relatable for her readers. In her free time, Zariah enjoys reading, cooking, binging reality shows, and doing puzzles with a glass of wine. She lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband and two children where she is currently working on the third novel of the Beauty is Her Name series. Read More Read Less

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Beauty Beheld
Publisher: Eparke Press
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23 Mar 2023
International Edition
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