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M (Melville) Philips
M (Michael) 1500-1557 Pr Isingrin
M (Michael) 1500-1557 Print Isingrin
M (Michael) 1789-1842 Creizenach
M (Michael) 1805-1857 Tuomey
M (Michael) 1805-1869 Sars
M (Michael) 1808-1871 Jacobs
M (Michael) 1818-1890 Heiss
M (Michael) 1830 or 1831 Comerford
M (Michael) 1833-1910 Friedlander
M (Michael) 1833-1910 Friedländer
M (Michael) 1834-1910 Baxter
M (Michael) 1853-1927 Oppenheim
M (Michael) 1861-1928 Doeberl
M (Michael) B 1857 O'Riordan
M (Michael) Barrett
M (Michael) Enk
M (michael) Foster
M (Michael) Friedlander
M (Michael) Friedländer
M (Michael) O'Riordan
M (Michael) Oppenheim
M (Michael) Sars
M (Michael) Sir 1 Foster
M (Michael) Sir 1836-190 Foster
M (Michael) Sir 1836-1907 Foster
M (Michael) Sir Foster
M (Michael) Wilkinson
M (Michael) Wineburgh
M (Michel) 1727-1804 Huber
M (Michel) 1782-1857 Bibaud
M (Michel) 1793-1880 Chasles
M (Michel) 1838-1916 Mathieu
M (Michel) B 1803 Andre
M (Michel) B 1803 André
M (Michel) Chasles
M (Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA) Berz
M (Michigan State University, USA) Berz
M (Mikhail) 1796-1866 Dmitriev
M (Mikhail) 1804-1873 Maksimovich
M (Mikhail) 1821-1875 Kublitskii
M (Mikhail) 1826-1911 Stasiulevich
M (Mikhail) 1837-1892 Semevski
M (Mikhail) 1837-1892 Semevskii
M (Mikhail) 1837-1892 Semevskiĭ
M (Mikhail) 1878-1927 Artsybashev
M (Mikhail) 1878-1927 Di Artsybashev
M (Mikhail) 1878-1927 IV Artsybashev
M (Mikhail) 1895-1953 Ilin
M (Mikhail) Artsybashev
M (Mikhailo) Zinovev
M (Milan, Italy) Nichelatti
M (Milton) Valentine
M (Miroslav) 1916-1980 Sasek
M (Mitchell Hillary) 1923- Hooks
M (Moisei) 1854-1919 Ostrogorski
M (Moisei) Ostrogorski
M (Mokshagundam) Sir 18 Visvesvaraya
M (Mokshagundam) Sir Visvesvaraya
M (mokshagundam) Visvesvaraya
M (Montagu) 1787-1863 Montagu
M (Montagu) 1877-1958 Montagu-Nathan
M (Montagu) Montagu-Nathan
M (Moritz) 1815-1890 Duschak
M (Moritz) 1858-1908 Alemann
M (Moritz) 1880-1958 Schonfeld
M (Moritz) Alemann
M (Moritz) Joel
M (Moriz) 1863-1937 Winternitz
M (Moriz) Winternitz
M (Morris) 1843-1913 Salmonsen
M (Moses) 1799-1868 Kimball
M (Moses) 1810-1875 Quinby
M (Moses) 1811- Auge
M (Moses) 1820-1901 Harvey
M (Moses) 1828-1903 Mielziner
M (Moses) D 1818 Hall
M (Moses) Harvey
M (Moses) Mielziner
M (Moses) Quinby
M (Mouchel Consulting Ltd, UK) Leeming
M (Murdoch) 1848-1929 Chisholm
M (Muttusvami) Srinivasa Aiyangar
M (Mykhalo) 1882-1920 Havrylko
M (Mykola) Shtohryn
M (Myrtle) McNamar
M (National Food Administration, Sweden) Olsen
M (National Public Health Inst.) Jantunen
M (Neurobiologie Cellulaire et Fonctionelle Hamon
M (Neurobiologie Cellulaire et Fonctionelle, Paris) Hamon
M (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) Jaffe
M (Nicholas) 1783-1838 Brazier
M (Nicolas Joseph Marie) 1787 Le Gall
M (Nicolas-Gabriel) 1726-179 Le Clerc
M (Nicolas-Joseph-Laurent) 17 Gilbert
M (Nicolas-Sylvestre) 1718-17 Bergier
M (Nicolas-Sylvestre) 1718-179 Bergier
M (Nicolas-Sylvestre)1718-179 Bergier
M (Nus, S'pore) Ramesh
M (P Priscilla M (Pat) Francis Dozier
M (Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center (Pastic) Pakistan) Usman
M (Pat) Francis Dozier Priscilla M (Pat) Francis D
M (Pat) Francis Dozier Priscilla M (Pat) Francis Dozier
M (Paul) 1813-1883 Asn Siraudin
M (Paul) 1813-1883 Siraudin
M (Pennsylvania State University) Green
M (Philippe) 1749-1815 Petit-Radel
M (Philippe) 1806-1865 Dumanoir
M (Philippe) 1806-1865 Dumanoir (Creator)
M (Philippe-Antoine) 1754-1838 Merlin
M (Phillippe) 1806-1865 Don Dumanoir
M (Pierre) 1698-1760 Chompre
M (Pierre) 1716-1793 Fabre
M (Pierre) 1779-1850 Lapie
M (Pierre-Frederic-Adolphe Carmouche
M (Pierre-Frédéric-Adolphe Carmouche
M (Pierre-Marie-Francoi Baour-Lormian
M (Pierre-Marie-Françoi Baour-Lormian
M (Professor of Process Tomography and Sensing, University of Leeds, UK) Wang
M (Professor of Wireless Communications at King's College London, UK) Dohler
M (Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kampur) Sachidananda
M (Professor, Dept. of Electrical& Electronics Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu) Saravanan
M (Professor, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kampur) Sachidananda
M (Professor, Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore) Sornarajah
M (Professor, University of Karlsruhe, Germany) Regier
M (Professor, University of Maryland (United States)) Coleman Miller
M (Raymond-Theodore) 1795-1 Troplong
M (Raymond-Théodore) 1795-1 Troplong
M (Rene-Andre-Polydore Alissa Chazet
M (Roland) 1627- Le Vayer De Boutigny
M (S -J ) Duc Urjoly
M (S -J ) Ducoeurjoly
M (School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK) Jenkins
M (Severn Trent Water, UK) Farrimond
M (Simon-Ce Lestin) 175 Croze-Magnan
M (Simon-Célestin) 175 Croze-Magnan
M (T ) Antrim
M (T ) Mrs Antrim
M (Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India) Vanninathan
M (The Open University) Mortimer
M (The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Human Di Walker
M (Theodore) Despeyrous
M (Theophile Marion) 1780-1 Dumersan
M (Théophile Marion) 1780-1 Dumersan
M (Univ Kabangsaan Malaysia) Yahaya
M (Univ Kabangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Yahaya
M (Univ Of Bridgeport, Usa) Gherasimova
M (Univ Of East Anglia, Uk) Johnson
M (Univ Of Groningen, The Netherlands) Van Der Put
M (Univ Of Technology, Aachen, Germany) Wuttig
M (Univ Paris Vii, France) Nivat
M (Universitat Rovira I Virgili Murphy
M (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) Devillers
M (Universite de Paris VI (Pierre Et Marie Curie))
M (Universite de Paris VI (Pierre Et Marie Curie)) Yor
M (University of Bolton, UK) Miraftab
M (University of Edinburgh, UK) Mueller
M (University of Glasgow, UK) Bain
M (University of Helsinki and Helsinki Inst of Physics, Finland) Chaichian
M (University of Helsinki, Finland) Tolonen
M (University of Leeds, UK) Clark
M (University of Leuven, Belgium) Lambrechts
M (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Kukar
M (University of New South Wales, Australia) Ferry
M (University of Nottingham, UK) Hall
M (University of Strathclyde, UK) Wilkinson
M (University of Stuttgart) Bach
M (University of Surrey, UK) Ryall
M (University of Tokyo) Suzuki
M (University of Twente, The Netherlands) Huijben
M (University of Washington, USA) Sarikaya
M (University of Waterloo) Thompson
M (University of Westminster, London, UK) Dwek
M (University of Westminster, UK) Dwek
M (Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, INDIA) Agilan
M (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA) Koc
M (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer
M (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) Murray
M (Water Research Centre) Fielding
M ) Arnould (Ambroise Marie
M ) Audin (Jean Marie Vincent
M ) Audinet Serville (Jean Guillaume
M ) Becquerel (Antoine C Sar
M ) Becquerel (Antoine C?sar
M ) Becquerel (Antoine Cesar
M ) Becquerel (Antoine César
M ) Belidor (Bernard Forest De
M ) Bescherelle (Louis Nicolas
M ) Beulé (charles-Ernest
M ) Boucher De Perthes (Jacques
M ) Bourdon (Louis Pierre Marie
M ) Bresse (Jacques Antoine Charles
M ) Breton (Jean Baptiste Joseph
M ) Bridet (Hilaire Gabriel
M ) Burgaud Des Marets (Henri
M ) Buy De Mornas (Claude
M ) Capelle (Pierre Adolphe
M ) Chapsal (Charles Pierre
M ) CL Ment (Jean Marie Bernard
M ) Clement (Jean Marie Bernard
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