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Bilingualism & multilingualism

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Bilinguality and Literacy: Principles and Practice
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Buy Bilingualism & Multilingualism Books Online

The learning of a second, or subsequently acquired language is a separate issue. Children become bilingual, only after, first language is learned, but what bilingualism is.

What is Bilingualism?

Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages, it may be acquired early on by children in regions in which children speak two languages. Children can also become bilingual by learning languages in two social settings.  A second language can also be acquired in school.  Bilingualism is used in teaching children. If you are interested to read more, then buy a book online on

Bilingual and Multilingual

Using Bilingual and multilingual languageshave their own disadvantages and advantages, on the surface using two languages may seem easier, but a multicultural and multilingual environment works better in terms of societal development. Minorities may seem discouraged and if only one language is given priority, then, the second language may lose memento, in that case a multicultural society of using many languages works better in the long run. Many nations in the world have benefited from this step and help in diversity such as Papua New Guinea and the United States of America. If you are more interested then, browse books for multilingualism and bilingualism on a books online store.

Bilingualism and Multilingualism Books

Here are some books on Bilingualism and Multilingualism:

  1. Social Linguistics and Literacies:  In the first edition of Social Linguistics and Literacies is a major contribution to the emerging interdisciplinary field of sociocultural approaches of bilingualism and multilingualism in sociolinguisticsand it serves as a classic introduction to language, learning and literacy in social, cultural and political contexts.  It will be of interest to researchers, lecturers and students in education and linguistics.

  2. Monolingualism, Bilingualism and Multilingualism:  This book brings together sociolinguistic, neurolinguistic, and educational perspectives on language acquisition, classroom learning, or at home. First and second language acquisition studies, classroom and at home.
  3. Handbook of Multilingualism and Multilingual Communication:  This is a concise introduction to bilingualism and multilingualism in schools, and in the workplace and international institutions in a globalised world. The authors have used a problem- solving approach and they have asked broad questions about bilingualism and multilingualism in society which includes language acquisition and maintenance.
  4. Dual Language Development and disordersThe SLPs and educators support the growing population developed by three influential experts on bilingual language development and this gives an audience of future professionals. If you want to read books on this topic. Then, browse books at a bookshop.

If you are a linguist, or doing research in the field of linguistics, then check out online books in the UAE on

Bookswagon is an online bookstore in the UAE for many categories of books on linguistics such as The Bilingual Reader, Bilingualism and Principles, Receptive Multilingualism, the Native Speaker. It will help you understand the process of language acquisition. Buy books online in the UAE for books online shopping on Bookswagon and browse through umpteen categories of books. Browse books and add them to the cart and get it delivered on your doorstep.