Asia is home to a majority of the world's population and has an expanding economy. As the West engages in greater interaction with the East, developments in Asia have increasingly greater significance throughout the world. Higher education is central to the tremendous expansion of Asia. This reference book surveys the state of higher education in 20 representative Asian countries. Countries profiled include advanced industrial nations, such as Japan and Singapore, as well as more impoverished lands, such as Bangladesh. Chapters are written by expert contributors, and each author cites current literature and research. An introductory essay overviews the nature of higher education in Asia, and an extensive bibliography concludes the work.
Developments in Asia have tremendous significance for the rest of the world. Asia has a rapidly expanding economy and is home to most of the world's population. It is a land of tremendous size and equally great diversity. At times Asia seems to be an economic and military threat to the West, while on other occasions it seems to be a valuable partner in the emerging global economy. The technological, political, and economic developments that have taken place in Asia are largely the result of Asian higher education. Thus Asian higher education is important not only to the Eastern, but also to the Western world. This reference book surveys the state of higher education in Asia and thus provides a valuable perspective on changes in Eastern society.
An introductory essay discusses the current state of Asian higher education and provides a useful context for the rest of the work. The remainder of the book contains alphabetically arranged entries on higher education in twenty representative Asian countries. Some of the countries, like China and India, have enormous populations. Others, like Japan and Singapore, have witnessed tremendous economic prosperity. And some, like Iran and North Korea, have great political significance. Each entry is written by an expert contributor and provides background information, a discussion of current issues, and an examination of future trends. Entries cite current literature and research, and the volume concludes with an extensive bibliography.
About the Author: GERARD A. POSTIGLIONE is Associate Professor in the Department of Education at the University of Hong Kong and Director of Studies in Education and National Development./e He is President of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong and has authored two books and numerous articles.
GRACE C. L. MAK is Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Policy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong./e She has published on education and development and women's education in China and in Hong Kong.