Generating of agricultural wastes and by-products during the production, processing and consumption of agricultural commodities is unavoidable and over the last decades, an increased public interest has been shown in the challenge of food wastage. Apart from its significant quantities, the physicochemical characteristics of the various agricultural waste and by-products denote that there is immense potential for their reuse, recycle, and valorisation through various different processes.
Green Extraction and Valorization of By-Products from Food Processing provides an overview about the valorization or reuse of agricultural wastes and by-products during the production, processing and consumption of agricultural commodities. Waste disposal and by-product management in food processing industry pose problems in the areas of environmental protection and sustainability. However, they could be a great source of valuable nutraceuticals, which can be used to deal with the prospects of feeding fast growing population in 21st century.
- Gives detailed guidance and presents case-studies about valorization of food wastes and by-products
- Shows the main conventional and innovative extraction techniques for food waste and by-products valorization
- Provides an estimated idea regarding the recovery of high-added value compounds
- Discusses the recovery of high-added value compounds
Perspectives originated from the enormous amounts of food related materials that are discharged worldwide and the existing technologies, which promise the recovery, recycling and sustainability of high-added value ingredients inside food chain will be discussed in this book. This book is of value to academics, research institutes, and food industry engineers particularly the research and development professionals who are looking for effective management and utilization of food processing wastes and byproducts. In addition, it is suitable for undergraduate, post- graduate students, research scholars, postdoctoral fellows and faculty members from universities and colleges who pursue academic careers in Food Technology, Food Biotechnology, Fermentation and Bioengineering, Bioprocess Technology, Food science and Technology.
About the Author:
Francisco J. Barba, M.Sc, PhD, is Prof. Ay. Dr. (Ass. Professor) in Nutrition, Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Valencia, Spain. He holds an European Ph.D in Pharmacy (WITH DISTINCTION) at University of Valencia and he hold degrees in Pharmacy and in Food Science and Technology as well as MSc. in Dietetics and Dietoterapics and Master in Advanced Studies and different Diplomas (Public Health Diplomacy, Diploma in Orthopaedics, etc.). He has more than 100 published or accepted peer reviewed research or reviews publications which more than 60 are articles in high impact factor journals in the Food Science and Technology area (Journal Citation Reports, ISI Web of Knowledge) (h index: 22, SCOPUS), more than 20 book chapters, 100 presentations in conferences (most of them as proceedings and oral communications). Nowadays, Dr. Barba is serving as Handling Editor of the prestigious Journal "Journal of Food Composition and Analysis", Associate Editor of "Food Research International", and "Journal of Food Processing and Preservation" and "Frontiers in Nutrition", as well as member of the Editorial Board of "International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics" and "International Journals of Nutritional Health and Food Engineering". Elena Roselló-Soto, M.Sc., is Pharmacist at Pharmacy in Valencia. She holds a degree in Pharmacy as well as MSc. in Food Quality and Food Safety and different Diplomas (Public Health Diplomacy, Diploma in Orthopaedics, etc.). Her academic work has raised scientific and public interest, as reflected by the numerous nominations as Outstanding Reviewer for several international Journals with high impact factor in Food Science and Technology Area. She has 6 published peer reviewed research or reviews publications (h index: 6). All published in high impact factor journals in the Food Science and Technology area (Journal Citation Reports, ISI Web of Knowledge), around 5 book chapters, and around 10 presentations in conferences (most of them as proceedings and oral communications).
Mladen Brnčic, M.Sc, PhD, is a Full Professor and deputy head of the Department of Process Engineering at Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology; University of Zagreb, Croatia. He obtained his BSc degree in biochemical engineering and MSC and PhD in Food Engineering at the University of Zagreb. He has published more than 50 research or reviews publications in peer reviewed journals with high impact factor in the Food Science and Technology area (Journal Citation Reports, ISI Web of Knowledge) (h index: 14, SCOPUS), several books and book chapters and gave many invited plenary lectures in International meetings and conferences. He has been also expert evaluator of proposals for Horizon 2020 projects, National Center of Science and Technology of Kazakhstan and other several public and private institutions. Prof. Brnčic was one of ten members of the Executive Group that established European Academy of Food Engineering as representative from Croatia. His dedicated activities strongly contributed to the Academy successful work. Also, he is active in numerous scientific and professional societies.José Manuel Lorenzo, M.Sc, PhD, is Head of Research at the Meat Technology Centre of Galicia, Ourense, Spain. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Food Science and Technology at the University of Vigo. He obtained his Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology from University of Vigo in 2006. He has pursued his scientific career in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Vigo, first as researcher scholarship, then, since April 2006, as academic researcher. In 2006-2005 from October to March, he completed a stage period for his research project at the Stazione Sperimentale per L´Industria delle Conserve Alimentaria, Parma, Italy. He has written two international book as editor and other one as national book as editor, and he has written nine and twelve chapters of international and national books, respectively. Also he has one national patent as inventor and 149 communications at congress.