God wants His children to be significantly successful in this life-but sadly, success has remained a mirage or worse still, a daydream. Success is the covenant right of every believer, but it never becomes a reality until the promise is processed. Everything is at the state of rest or inertia until the relevant force is applied according to Newton's first law of motion.
This law applies also to prophetic statements. Success is guaranteed for you as a believer based on the prophecy of Scriptures, but the prophecy must be processed-otherwise it'll remain a mere proposition. We have a responsibility to make our ways successful. It's a partnership with God as we engage the forces of success as prescribed in the precepts, concepts, principles, instructions, and lines of Scriptures.
In your journey to significant success, you must be conscious of the truth that God has completed His own part of the work. It is entirely your responsibility to determine the height of your success in life. And you can only do this by the knowledge and application of the forces or laws of success as enshrined in the Scriptures.
In this book, The 15 Vital Forces of Success, these laws of success have been uniquely captured and packaged into fifteen easy to comprehend modules and designed as the Ds of Success-Desire, Dream, Decision, Details, Demand, Dare, Direction, Diligence, Determination, Dedication, Dependence, Discipline, Development, Dealings, and Delivery.
In the book, you'll discover the mysteries or forces behind success and the missing link to your success-also how to effectively engage with them for maximum delivery.