A manual for concentration amid chaos - This book is for those
who wants to be at their absolute best at all life-situations. This
book will give a holistic perspective of How, Why & When to focus.
A consolidation of almost all the major focus techniques & their
user manual.
Over-coming past/childhood trauma with realistic solutions.
This book is a journey from childhood trauma- deciphering it &
then overcoming It-Applying scientific techniques to become best
versions of ourselves.
It is an user-manual of focus/memory/productivity hacks.
It's written in an unconventional manner to be precise, applicable
& less time-consuming for the readers. In this day and age nobody
has the time to read 500/1000 pages of a book and to assimilate the
learnings fast enough to impact our daily lives but this book is so
unconventional and packed with knowledge which is applicable and
can be assimilated faster than any book in this genre.
So, happy reading. This humongous labour will be justified, if
readers achieve their desired focus/ success in this devastatingly
distracting era of our existence.