Extra Large Print... 400+ Math Puzzles & Logic Problems - The Ultimate Brain Teaser Math Puzzles Collection for Teens And Adults Today! Here in this ultimate Puzzle book you will have access to over 400+ collection of a variety of Math puzzles and Logic Problems that is actually a collection of Math Puzzles and Brainteasers put together....
Yes, this is a collection or a mixture of easy with basic patterns including simple math puzzles, but let quickly say, there are some in this collection... that are of the challenge level!
Well, this way, we have a book for all puzzlers of all ages and abilities! And by that, I mean, anyone from middle school age up, can enjoy many of the patterns and puzzles in this book.
The Puzzle Patterns includes:
* 100 Math EQUATION PUZZLES (Left-Right & Top-Bottom Principles)
* 100 Math EQUATION PUZZLES (B O D M A S Principle)
And before I forget, please note you can find the answers for all puzzles at the back pages of the book. Meanwhile, each chapter begins with a brief review or introduction of the relevant concept followed by examples with explanations.
Meanwhile, I recommend this Math logic book for Kids ages 8 upwards with a focus on Teens. Besides that Adults can also find it useful as brain teasers, particularly for brain exercises purposes... to keep the brain young!
Now, go ahead, have fun solving the puzzles. Enjoy!