48 HOURS TO ENLIGHTENMENT. Is it really possible? Yes, if a person's mind is ready and diligent.Enlightenment is not some otherworldly, indefinable state that is to be achieved in the distant future by grace, austerity, mysticism, or classic mindfulness and meditation. No, it is not.
It doesn't take years of spiritual practice or devotion to a teacher. As a matter of fact, those will likely prevent it.
Rather, it comes solely from one source: deeply comprehending reality as it is, both inwardly and outwardly.
The words within this book can potentially alter one's fundamental outlook on religion and philosophy. If the concepts herein are deeply understood and internalized, a seeker will understand truth, and enlightenment will be there. The bedrock of certainty will replace the quicksand of doubt.
This journey together will bring an end to many questions about life's ultimate meaning and purpose. A new perspective on living will be unveiled, and life will be understood on a vastly deeper level. Sorrow and ignorance will gently yield to quietude and joy.
What will be the tools utilized to purge the darkness of ignorance? The blazing torches of self-reliance, observation, reason, and a burning desire to see things exactly as they are.
There will be no unfounded assumptions. There will be no feeble lines of reasoning.
This is not a volume that will regurgitate old theories based on belief or half-thought-out speculations. The author has soundly and completely rejected parroting any system.
Enlightenment does not come from mindlessly repeating the words of others, nor by subscribing to belief. It can come only from being a light unto oneself and standing on one's own two feet. Therein, lies liberation.
Together, friend, let's begin the crossing. This is the promise: Once this all-encompassing illusion of the separateness of the Individual and Existence is destroyed, the way will be clear for a fuller and freer life of unity, joyfulness, certainty, integrity, and truth.
About the Author: Richard has been a licensed civil engineer and practiced in that profession for many years. He specialized in the design of residential and commercial land development and also municipal wastewater facility design. In his late thirties, he chose to leave the engineering field for a quieter career. Turning aside the demands and rigor of regulations, deadlines, and revisions, he turned to founding a small day spa where his clients could relax and find a tranquil haven away from their hectic pace of normal daily life. Since his early teens, he has been uncompromisingly committed to understanding reality and the individual's place within it. He currently lives alone and spends his free time writing and reflecting. His blog may be found at 48HoursToEnlightenment.com.