Chapter 1: Installation, Basic Configuration Chapter Goal: Provide information about how to get started with ABAP in Eclipse
Sub -Topics
1. How to install Eclipse & ABAP Development Tools
2. How to create ABAP Projects and structure of the project explorer
3. Perspectives
4. Standard Eclipse and ADT Views
5. Eclipse Preferences
Chapter 2: Eclipse and ADT Preferences
Chapter Goal: Explain possibilities of configuration of your Eclipse environment
Sub -Topics
1. Update sites
2. Debug preferences
3. ABAP Development Preferences
4. Syntax highlighting
5. Eclipse Preferences
Chapter 3: How to Use ABAP in Eclipse to Accelerate your Work Chapter Goal: Describe all known functionalities of ABAP in eclipse that will make the developer life easier
Sub - Topics
1. Refactoring
2. Quick fixes
3. Completion assistant
4. Markers
5. Formatting, Formatting of block
6. Block Selection
7. ATC
8. Unit Test
9. etc.. all functionalities of
10. Shortcuts CheatSheet
Chapter 4: Eclipse Extensions that will make the difference Chapter Goal: Description of Eclipse plugins for ABAP and global, that can enhance hugely the work with ADT
No of pages:
Sub - Topics:
1. ABAP CI plugin
2. abapGit Plugin 3. ABAP Favorites
4. ABAP Extensions
5. ABAP Quick Fixes
6. ABAP Tags
7. Darkest Dark
8. Any Edit
9. etc.
Chapter 5: Chapter Goal: Explain the way of creation of Eclipse plugins
Sub - Topics:
1. Basic information about creating an Eclipse plugin
2. Creation of Eclipse plugin with TreeView or Table control and testing it 3. Explanation of features and update sites
Chapter 6: Extending ABAP Development Tools
Chapter Goal: Show example of simple Eclipse plugin that works with ABAP development tools to support the developer & how to create your own quick fixes for ATC checks
Sub - Topics:
1. Creation of Eclipse plugins calling ABAP backend
2. Creating quick fix for ATC Checks
About the Author: Lukasz is IT manager for SAP applications at Hager Group. He has been active in the SAP community for more than ten years. He mostly shares his knowledge on his blog (Abap Blog). He is a creator of the following Eclipse plugins: ABAP Favorites, ABAP Extensions, and ABAP Quick Fix. He also shares his ABAP projects or frameworks on GitHub as fidley; these include: Fast ALV Grid, JSON2ABAPType, Customers, and ALV Grid in a Nutshell. He was a speaker at the last four #sitWROs and attended a few others around Europe. SAP Developer Hero 2016 and SAP Champion from 2019. He can also teach you how to brew a beer.