List of Symbols
Chapter 1 The Wave Theory of Sound
1-1 A Little History
1-2 The Conservation of Mass
1-3 Euler's Equation of Motion for a Fluid
1-4 Pressure-Density Relations
1-5 Equations of Linear Acoustics
1-6 The Wave Equation
1-7 Plane Traveling Waves
1-8 Waves of Constant Frequency
1-9 Speed of Sound and Ambient Density
1-10 Adiabatic versus Isothermal Sound Speeds
1-11 Acoustic Energy, Intensity, and Source Power
1-12 Spherical Waves
Chapter 2 Quantitative Measures of Sound
2-1 Frequency Content of Sounds
2-2 Proportional Frequency Bands
2-3 Levels and the Decibel
2-4 Frequency Weighting and Filters
2-5 Combining of Levels
2-6 Mutually Incoherent Sound Sources
2-7 Fourier Series and Long-Duration Sounds
2-8 Transient Waveforms
2-9 Transfer Functions
2-10 Stationary Ergodic Processes
2-11 Bias and Variance
Chapter 3 Reflection, Transmission, and Excitation of Plane Waves
3-1 Boundary Conditions at Impenetrable Surfaces
3-2 Plane-Wave Reflection at a Flat Rigid Surface
3-3 Specific Acoustic Impedance
3-4 Radiation of Sound by a Vibrating Piston within a Tube
3-5 Sound Radiation by Traveling Flexural Waves
3-6 Reflection and Transmission at an Interlace between Two Fluids
3-7 Multilayer Transmission and Reflection
3-8 Transmission through Thin Solid Slabs, Plates, and Blankets
Chapter 4 Radiation from Vibrating Bodies
4-1 Radially Oscillating Sphere
4-2 Transversely Oscillating Rigid Sphere
4-3 Monopoles and Green's Functions
4-4 Dipoles and Quadrupoles
4-5 Uniqueness of Solutions of Acoustic Boundary-Value Problems
4-6 The Kirchhoff-Helmholtz Integral Theorem
4-7 Sound Radiation from Small Vibrating Bodies 4-8 Radiation from a Circular Disk
4-9 Reciprocity in Acoustics
4-10 Transducers and Reciprocity
Chapter 5 Radiation from Sources Near and on Solid Surfaces
5-1 Sources near Plane Rigid Boundaries
5-2 Sources Mounted on Walls: The Rayleigh Integral; Fresnel-Kirchhoff Theory of Diffraction by an Aperture
5-3 Low-Frequency Radiation from Sources Mounted on Walls
5-4 Radiation Impedance of Baffled-Piston Radiators
5-5 Far-Field Radiation from Localized Wall Vibrations
5-6 Transient Solution for Baffled Circular Piston
5-7 Field on and near the Symmetry Axis
5-8 Transition to the Far Field
Chapter 6 Room Acoustics
6-1 The Sabine-Franklin-Jaeger Theory of Reverberant Rooms
6-2 Some Modifications
6-3 Applications of the Sabine-Franklin-Jaeger Theory
6-4 Coupled Rooms and Large Enclosures
6-5 The Modal Theory of Room Acoustics
6-6 High-Frequency Approximations
6-7 Statistical Aspects of Room Acoustics
6-8 Spatial Correlations in Diffuse Sound Fields
Chapter 7 Low-Frequency Models of Sound Transmission
7-1 Guided Waves
7-2 Lumped-Parameter Models
7-3 Guidelines for Selecting Lumped-Parameter Models
7-4 Helmholtz Resonators and Other Examples 7-5 Orifices
7-6 Estimation of Acoustic Inertances and End Corrections
7-7 Mufflers and Acoustic Filters
7-8 Homs
Chapter 8 Ray Acoustics
8-1 Wavefronts, Rays, and Fermat's Principle
8-2 Rectilinear Sound Propagation
8-3 Refraction in Inhomogeneous Media
8-4 Rays in Stratified Media
8-5 Amplitude Variation along Rays
About the Author: Allan D. Pierce was born in 1936 and spent his early years in Iowa, Kansas, and New Mexico. After receiving a Ph.D. in Physics from MIT, he was employed by RAND (1961-1963) and Avco (1963-1966). His work during these years was concerned primarily with the analysis of infrasonic waveforms generated by thermonuclear explosions, and this broadened into a life-long interest in all aspects of physical acoustics, applied mechanics, vibrations, and wave physics. From 1966 to 2012 he held a succession of professorial appointments -- at MIT (1966-1973), Georgia Tech (1973-1988), Penn State (1988-1993), and Boston University (1993-2012). He retired from BU in 2012, and founded the Cape Cod Institute for Science and Engineering in 2017. He is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and is a recipient of the ASA Silver Medal in Physical Acoustics and the ASA Gold Medal, the ASME Per Bruel Gold Medal, the Rossing Prize for Acoustics Education, and the Gold Medal of the Acoustical Foundation of India. Over the years he has had many editorial positions, including being the founding co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computational Acoustics and the Editor-in-Chief of the Acoustical Society of America. He was the founding editor of Proceedings of Meetings in Acoustics.