Part I General aspects
Interfacial behavior of fluorescent dyes. Power and weakness of nanoscopic description
Alexander P. Demchenko and Semen O. Yesylevskyy
Part II Probing condensed media
Fluorescence probing of physicochemical characteristics of the room temperature ionic liquids
Anunay Samanta
Fluorescence spectroscopy in polymer science
Tanzeela N. Raja and Albert M. Brouwer
Fluorescence probing in structurally anisotropic materials. From liquid crystals to macromolecules, micelles and lipid bilayers
Semen O. Yesylevskyy and Alexander P. Demchenko
Part III Fluorescence reporters in biosensing
Optimized dyes for protein and nucleic acid detection
Sergiy M.Yarmoluk, Vladyslava B. Kovalska, Kateryna D.Volkova
Functional nucleic acids for fluorescence based biosensing applications
Jennifer Lee, Lawrence Lin, and Yingfu Li
Part IV Cell imaging with organic dyes
Covalent labeling of biomolecules in living cells
Tilman Plass and Carsten Schultz
Tetracysteine and bipartite tags for biarsenical organic fluorophores
Carla Spagnuolo, Maria Joselevich, Federico Coluccio Leskow and Elizabeth A. Jares-Erijman
Labeling of oligohistidine-tagged proteins
Jacob Piehler
Part V Tissue and whole body imaging
In vivo imaging of vascular targets using near-infrared fluorescent probes
Jan Klohs and Markus Rudin
Whole-body imaging of hematopoietic and cancer cells using near infrared probes
Vyacheslav Kalchenko, Michal Neeman and Alon Harmelin