1 Recent Progress in Polarization-Bistable VCSELs and Their Applications to All-Optical Signal Processing; H.Kawaguchi.
1.1 Introduction. 1.2 Flip-Flop Operation with Low Power Consumption. 1.3 All-Optical Retiming. 1.4 Use as a memory. 1.5 All-Optical Header Recognition and Packet Switching. Summary. References.
2 Tunable Lasers based on Multimode Interference Effects; J.J.Sanchez-Mondragón, P. LiKamWa.
2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Multimode Interference in Optical Fibers. 2.3 Mechanically Tunable MMI Fiber Lasers. 2.4 Optofluidically Tunable MMI Fiber Laser. Summary. References.
3 Whispering gallery mode microdisk resonator with dynamic material properties; N.Sakhnenko.
3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Methodology. 3.3 Sole change of refractive index in WGM resonator. 3.4 Time change of the refractive index in the form of a single rectangular pulse. 3.5 Modulation of the refractive index in the form of a finite packet of rectangle pulses. References.
4 Superradiant lasing and collective dynamics of active centers with polarization lifetime exceeding photon lifetime; Vl.V.Kocharovsky, et al.
4.1 Introduction. What is a class D laser? 4.2 Two types of media with extreme spatial-spectral density of active centers. 4.3 Basic equations and main conditions of superradiant lasing. 4.4 Homogeneous broadening. Superradiant lasers on polariton modes with negative energy. 4.5 Inhomogeneous broadening. Mode selection as a way to the superradiant generation. Conclusions. References.
5 The control of energy, temporal and spatial characteristics a microchip laser with active output mirror; V.V.Kiyko, et al.
5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Operator model of a laser with an active output mirror. 5.3 Experimental setup. 5.4 Experimental results and discussion. Conclusion. References.
6 Recent Advances in Secure Transmission with Chaotic Carriers; S.Donati, V.Annovazzi-Lodi.
6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Chaos in lasers. 6.3 Synchronizing Chaos. 6.4 Using Chaos to Protect Data. 6.5 Recent achievements. References.
7 Superwicking surfaces produced by femtosecond laser; A.Y. Vorobyev, C.Guo.7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Basic idea of wicking structures and their fabrication using femtosecond laser. 7.3 Spreading of liquids on superwicking surfaces. 7.4 Potential applications of capillary superwicking structures. Conclusions. References.
8 Optical processors as conceptual tools for designing nonconventional devices; J.Ojeda-Castañeda, et al.
8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Visualizing a PSF with high depth of focus. 8.3 Visualizing the MTF with extended depth of field. 8.4 Tunable devices for extending the depth of field. 8.5 Final remarks. References.
9 Description of the Dynamics of Charged Particles in Electric Fields: An Approach using Fractional Calculus; F. Gómez-Aguilar and E. Alvarado-Méndez.
9.1 Introduction. 9.2 Fractional Calculus. 9.3 Procedure for Constructing Fractional Differential Equations. 9.4 Constant Electric Field. 9.5 Ramp Electric Field. 9.6 Harmonic Electric Field. Conclusions. Reference.
10 Sub- and nanosecond pulsed lasers applied to the generation of broad spectrum in standard and microstructured optical fibers; J.M. Estudillo-Ayala, et al.10.1 Introduction. 10.2 Theoretical model. 10.3 Pulse Propagation of a Laser Q-Switch for Obtaining a Spectrum Supercontinuum Through of Two Different PCFs. 10.4 Results and discussions. Conclusions. References.
11 Extremely high power CO2 laser beam correction; A.Kudryashov, et al.
11.1 introduction. 11.2 Hartmann wavefront sensor - general remarks. 11.3 Hartmann sensor based on IR bolometer camera. 11.4 Sensor based on thin film technology. 11.5 Deformable mirror. Conclusions. References.
12 Measurements of intense and wide-aperture laser radiation parameters with thinwire bolometers; S.V. Pogorelov.
12.1 Introduction. 12.2 Bolometer transfor
About the Author:
Oleksiy V. Shulika has received both Ph.D. degree in optics and laser physics from V. N. Karazin National University, Ukraine, in 2008 and a title of Associate Professor in 2012. His research interests are ultrafast and nonlinear photonics, THz photonics, semiconductor optics, semiconductor nanostructures, and optoelectronic devices. He is coeditor of 2 books "Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Basic Research and Practical Applications", Springer(c)2011, and "Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Detection of Explosives and CBRN (Using Terahertz)", Springer(c)2014.
Dr. Shulika is Member of IEEE Photonics Society, Optical Society of America, and SPIE. He is Member of the Organizing Committee of the Conference Series "International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL", NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Basic Research and Applications, TERA-MIR", "International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, LFNM".
Igor A. Sukhoivanov had received the Ph.D. degree in 1985, the Dr. Sc. degree in Optics and Laser Physics from V. N. Karazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine in 2002, and Full Professor degree in 2004. Currently he is with the Guanajuato University, Dept. Electronics, DICIS, Salamanca, Mexico, Professor Titular B., Member SNI, level II.
He is the author/coauthor of 9 book chapters and more than 130 journal papers. He is coauthor of 1 book "Photonic Crystals: Physics and Practical Modeling"Springer(c)2009
His research interests include photonic devices, semiconductor lasers and theory of quantum confinement structures, photonic crystal elements, ultra short pulse propagation in fibers.
Prof. Sukhoivanov is a Senior Member of the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS), and of the Opt. Society of America (OSA), member of the American Phys. Soc. (APS), and the Soc. of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). He is Organizer and Chairman of Int. Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL), Int. Conference on Laser and Fiber Optical Networks Modeling, etc. He is also Co-organizer of separate topics in LEOS Summer Topicals'2008 and PHO Summer Tropicals'2010 in Mexico.