1. In Vivo Whole-Cell Recordings
Bojana Kokinovic, Stylianos Papaioannou, and Paolo Medini
2. Juxtasomal Loose-Patch Recordings in Awake, Head-Fixed Rats to Study the Link between Structure and Function of Individual Neurons
Christiaan P.J. de Kock
3. Studying Sodium Channel Gating In Heterologous Expression Systems
Jannis E. Meents and Angelika Lampert
4. Elucidating the Link between Structure and Function of Ion Channels and Transporters with Voltage-Clamp and Patch-Clamp Fluorometry
Giovanni Zifarelli and Jana Kusch
5. Dendrites: Recording from Fine Neuronal Structures Using Patch-Clamp and Imaging Techniques
Sonia Gasparini and Lucy M Palmer
6. Patch-clamp Recording from Myelinated Central Axons
Maarten H. P. Kole and Marko Popovic
7. Analysis of Transsynaptic Attentional Neuronal Circuits with Octuple Patch-Clamp Recordings
Daniel R. Wyskiel, Trevor C. Larry, Xiaolong Jiang, Guang
fu Wang, and J. Julius Zhu
8. Optogenetic Dissection of the Striatal Microcircuitry
Gilad Silberberg and Henrike Planert
9. Paired Recordings from Synaptically Coupled Neurones in Acute Neocortical Slices
Dirk Feldmeyer and Gabriele Radnikow
10. Extracting Quantal Properties of Transmission at Central Synapses