The present book is covers the recent advances in the development on the regulation of such theragnosis system and their biomedical perspectives to act as a future nanomedicine. Advanced Theranostics Materialsis written by a distinguished group of contributors and provides comprehensive coverage of the current literature, up-to-date overview of all aspects of advanced theranostics materials ranging from system biology, diagnostics, imaging, image-guided therapy, therapeutics, biosensors, and translational medicine and personalized medicine, as well as the much broader task of covering most topics of biomedical research. The books focusses on the following topics:
Part 1: System biology and translational medicine
- Aberrant Signaling Pathways: Hallmark of Cancer Cells and Target for Nanotherapeutics
- Application of Nanoparticles in Cancer Treatment
- Biomacromolecule-Gated Mesoporous Silica Drug Delivery Systems
- Construction of Functional DNA Nanostructures for Theranostic Applications
- Smart Polypeptide Nanocarriers for Malignancy Therapeutics
Part 2: Imaging and therapeutics
- Dimercaptosuccinic acid-coated magnetic nanoparticles as a localized delivery system in cancer immunotherapy
- Cardiovascular nanomedicine
- Chitosan-based systems for sustained drug release
- Nanocapsules in biomedicine: promises and challenges
- Chitosan-based polyelectrolyte complexes: characteristics and application in formulation of particulate drug carriers
Part 3: Diagnostics and featured prognostics
- Non-invasive Glucose Biosensors based on Nanomaterials
- Self/directed Assembly of Nanoparticles: A review on various approaches
- Ion exchangers - an open window for the development of advanced materials with pharmaceutical and medical applications
New Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications
About the Author: Prof. Ashutosh Tiwari is Managing Director, Tekidag AB and Group leader, Smart Materials and Biodevices at the Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre, Linköping University, Sweden; Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Materials Letters; Secretary General, International Association of Advanced Materials; a materials chemist and also a docent in applied physics from Linköping University, Sweden. He has published more than 425 articles, patents, and conference proceedings in the field of materials science and technology and has edited/authored about 25 books on the advanced state-of-the-art of materials science and technology. He is a founding member of the Advanced Materials World Congress, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Korean Advanced Materials World Congress, African Advanced Materials World Congress, European Graphene Forum and the World Technology Forum.
Jeong-Woo Choi is a Professor at Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and a director of Institute of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, South Korea. He received Ph. D. in Rutgers University (USA), D.Eng. in Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) and MBA in University of Durham (UK); a visiting scientist in IBM Almaden Research Center and Mitsubishi Electronics Advanced Technology R&D Center. He is an editorial member of Biochip Journal, Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering, and J. Ind. & Eng. Chem. He has published more than 340 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and 46 patents in biosensor and bioelectronics fields, and he has edited/authored fifteen books on biosensor and advanced biomaterials.