As the name suggests this book discusses how nanotechnology has influenced the provision of implant treatment from surgery to prosthetic reconstruction and post treatment biological complications. This book is a sequel to the earlier book "Dental Applications of Nanotechnology" published by Springer. It aims to present both the nanotechnology and allied research along with the clinical concepts of almost every different aspect of implantology in one volume. These two fraternities promote the translation of the research ideas and product development into fruitful practicalities. The first section covers nanobiomaterials in implant applications, in bone regeneration, prosthetic rehabilitation, to control biofilm and peri-implantitis, bone grafting and tissue engineering. The second section explores applications of such new technologies in the field of implantology that gives this book a unique feature by bringing science and technology into clinical application. It covers implant stability, peri-implantitis, lasers, CAD/CAM technology, impressions, 3D printing, reconstruction with bone grafts and zygomatic implants. Comprehensive coverage includes both simple and complicated clinical cases, with practical guidance on how to apply the latest research, diagnostic tools, treatment planning, implant designs, materials, and techniques to provide superior patient outcomes.
The book is well written and structured making it easy for experienced clinicians and those new to dental implantology as well as students, researchers, scientists and faculties of dental universities
About the Author: Dr. Ramesh S. Chaughule, Ex Scientist from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, a pioneer research institute in India, is an Adjunct Professor at Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Mumbai India. He is a Fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Sciences and executive committee member of the academy. He is also the recipient of Indo-UK, Indo-USA, and Indo-Japan fellowships, and has more than 80 publications as papers and book chapters in his field of research. He has also served as an IAEA expert in Indonesia in NMR field. Dr. Chaughule has edited several books on MRI and Nanotechnology published by American Scientific Publishers, USA and Springer USA.
Dr. Rajesh G. Dashaputra is a senior scientist and researcher in the department of dentistry at Bhabha Atomic Research Center Hospital in Mumbai.