Preface.- Scientific Committee.- Patronage.- Part I General Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Analysis and Synthesis of Planar and Spatial Mechanisms, Linkages and Cams, Robots and Manipulators.- IFToMM in MMS developments, by M. Ceccarelli.- General Algorithm for Computing the Theoretical Centering Precision of the Gripping Devices, by E.-C. Lovasz, V. Mesaroş-Anghel, C. M. Gruescu, C. E. Moldovan and M. Ceccarelli.- Design and Development of a Heddle Shaft Mechanism for Air-jet Weaving Machines, by F. Schwarzfischer, S. Kurtenbach, J. Onischke and B. Corves.- On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Design Using RRSS Motion and Axode Generation, by J. D'Alessio K. Russell and R. S. Sodhi.- On Approach Based on Lie Groups and Algebras to the Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots, by L. Rybak, D. Malyshev and A. Chichvarin.- Life Estimation of the Contact Surfaces, by M. Hejnová and J. Ondrásek.- Calculation of the Contours of a Radial Double Cam Based on an Approximate Course of the 2nd Derivative of the Displacement Law of a Working Link, by P. Jirásko and M. Václavík.- The Elastic Compression in the Contact Region of a Cam Mechanism General Kinematic Pair, by J. Ondrásek.- Design of a Legged Walking Robot with Adjustable Parameters, by Y. Zhang, V. Arakelian and J.-P. Le Baron.- Positioning Control of a Micro Manipulation Robot Based on Voice Command Recognition for the Microscopic Cell Operation, by H. Terada, K. Makino, H. Nishizaki, E. Yanase, T. Suzuki and T. Tanzawa.- Spherical Ultrasonic Motor for Space, by U. Nishizawa, S. Toyama and T.Oohashi.- Part II Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms, Rotor Dynamics.- Multi-Physical Analysis of the Forces in the Flexible Rotor Supported by the Magnetorheological Squeeze Film Dampers, by P. Ferfecki, J. Zapoměl and M. Marek.- Experimental Evaluation of a Rotor Model Based Foundation Identification Procedure, by M. Yu, N. Feng, E. Hahn.- Researching of the Method of Separation of Fine-Grain Particles by Centrifugation in a Liquid Medium, by A. B. Kydyrbekuly, L. A. Khajieva, G. E. Ybraev.- The Steady State Response of Multi-disc Rotors Damped by Magnetorheological Squeeze Film Dampers, by J. Zapoměl and P. Ferfecki.- Inertia Matrix and Vehicle Driveability, by P. Brabec, M. Malý and R. Vozenílek.- Unexpected Vibrations of Relatively Simple Cutting Machine Mechanism, by P. Sidlof, Z. Braier, P. Klouček and J. Ondrásek.- Effect of Oil Viscosity on Pulsating Flow in Pipe, by L. Hruzík, A. Bureček and M. Vasina.- Experimental Research and Mathematical Modeling of Scroll Machine in Air Motor Mode, by V.I. Ivlev, S.Yu. Misyurin and A.P. Nelyubin.- Analysis of the Mechanism of the Drill Hammer, by M. Konečný.- Free Vibration Frequency Spectrum of Four-planetary Gearing Box, by L. Půst, L. Pesek, A. Radolfová.- Speed Control of 3-phase Induction Motor in Presence of Sommerfeld Effect, by A. Bisoi, R. Bhattacharyya and A.K. Samantaray.- Part III Computational Mechanics.- Various Strategies of Elastic Forces Evaluation in the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, by R. Bulín and M. Hajzman.- Nonlinear Vibration of Nuclear Fuel Rods, by S. Dyk and V. Zeman.- Thermal Field Simulation of Repair Threads in a Hole in the Cover of a Pressure Vessel by Welding using Sysweld, by R. Jančo and P. Élesztős.- Simulation of Isothermal Compression Test, by I. Matousek and O. Matousek.- Influence of Bubbles in the Shock Liquid at its Compressibility, by M. Sivčák and T. Hrus.- Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks using FEM Approach and Analytical Models, by M. Sivý and M. Musil.- Part IV Vibration and Noise in Machines.- Forced Response Reduction of a Compressor Blisk Rotor Employing Intentional Mistuning, by B. Beirow, A. Kühhorn and J. Nipkau.- Flat Flexural Vibration of Drill-String with an Initial Curvature, by A.S. Sergaliyev and L.A. Khajiyeva.- A Design of the Two Architectures of Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesting Devices