Chapter 1 Liquefaction resistance of saturated sand
1.1 Triaxial test apparatus for cyclic loading
1.2 Resistance of saturated sand to liquefaction
1.3 Physical properties pertinent to dynamic characterisation of soils
1.4 Introducing novel concepts for dynamic characterisation of sand
(1) Binary packing of soil particles
(2) Skeleton void ratio for evaluating liquefaction resistance of soils
(3) Skeleton void ratio for evaluating initial shear modulus of soils 1.5 Relation between liquefaction resistance and initial shear modulus of soils
Chapter 2 Characterising undrained monotonic behaviour of saturated sand
2.1 Steady state concept
2.2 Effects of sample preparation methods on steady states
2.3 Behaviour of saturated sand under anisotropically consolidated undrained triaxial compression
2.4 Confining stress parameters
2.5 Steady state line 2.6 Phase transformation lines
2.7 Initial dividing line
2.8 Initial state ratio and undrained shear strength
Chapter 3 Characterising undrained behaviour of imperfectly saturated and unsaturated sands
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Full saturation, imperfect saturation and un-saturation
3.3 Velocity of primary wave propagation Vp and coefficient of pore water pressure B
3.4 Degree of saturation Sr and coefficient of pore water pressure B
3.5 Laboratory measurements of primary wave and shear wave velocity for imperfectly saturated sand
3.6 Liquefaction resistance of imperfectly saturated sand
3.7 Undrained shear strength of imperfectly saturated sand
3.8 Initial shear modulus of unsaturated sand
3.9 Cyclic resistance of unsaturated sand
3.10 Undrained shear strength of unsaturated sand
Chapter 4 Analysis on triggering of soil liquefaction including effects of imperfect saturation
4.1 Factors affecting triggering of soil liquefaction
4.2 Revisiting effects of irregularity of seismic motions
4.3 Effects of soil ageing 4.4 Effects of imperfect saturation
Chapter 5 Use of in situ sounding tests for evaluating soil liquefaction triggering
5.1 In situ sounding tests for dynamic characterisation of soils
5.2 Estimating liquefaction resistance of soils from in situ sounding tests
(1) Standard penetration test
(2) Cone penetration test
(3) Swedish weight sounding
5.3 Estimating the relative density from SWS and CPT
5.4 Use of void ratio range
5.5 Estimating liquefaction resistance of soils from SWS
5.6 Collection of case history data
(1) Soil liquefaction at Sawara in Katori city
(2) Soil liquefaction at Hinode in Itako city
(3) Liquefaction of reclaimed backfills in iron sand mining in Asahi city
(4) Trench investigations in Itako city
Chapter 6 Evaluating post-liquefaction settlement and lateral deformation
6.1 Evaluating post-liquefaction settlement
(1) Laboratory test results on Toyoura clean sand
(2) Laboratory test results on Hsin Hwa silty sand
(3) Recommended procedure for post-liquefaction settlement evaluation
6.2 Evaluating lateral deformation
(1) Laboratory testing on lateral deformation
(2) Recommended procedure for evaluating lateral displacement
(3) Case history data on lateral deformation
6.3 Collection of case history data
(1) Liquefaction and settlement of Kobe Port Island (1995 Kobe earthquake) (2) Liquefaction and settlement of reclaimed land (2000 Tottori-ken Seibu earthquake)
(3) Liquefaction and settlement at Kashiwazaki regional sewage centre (2007 Nii
About the Author:
Yoshimichi Tsukamoto graduated from The University of Tokyo in 1990, and received his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 1995. He then moved to the Tokyo University of Science as research associate in 1995, where he became full professor in 2012.
Kenji Ishihara is a professor emeritus of The University of Tokyo, where he had spent his research career focusing on the subject of soil liquefaction in geotechnical engineering until his retirement there in 1995. He then moved to the Tokyo University of Science as a professor in 1995 and continued his research career with Yoshimichi Tsukamoto, the co-author of this book. He then moved to Chuo University as professor in 2001.
The two authors have devoted their research careers mainly to the subject of soil liquefaction during the period from 1995 to date. They have made great developments and published many technical papers, including field case history studies from the recent major earthquakes in Japan.