About the Book
1 Introduction: Why Theory? (Mis)Understanding the Context and Rationale
2 Theoretical, Empirical, and Artefactual Contributions in Information Systems Research: Implications Implied
3 Theoretical Diversity in IS Research: A Causal Structure Framework
4 Theory Building: Neither an Art nor a Science, But a Craft
5 The Process of Information Systems Theorizing as a Discursive Practice
6 Theorizing Digital Experience: Four Aspects of the Infomaterial
7 Design Science Theorizing: The Contribution of Practical Theory
8 Pathways to IT-Rich Recontextualized Modifying of Borrowed Theories: Illustrations from IS Strategy
9 Pluralist Theory Building: A Methodology for Generalizing from Data to Theory
10 Revitalizing Thoughts on Theory, Theorizing, and Philosophizing in Information Systems
11 Reviving the Individual in Information Systems Theorizing
About the Author:
Nik Rushdi Hassan is Associate Professor of Information Systems (IS) at the Labovitz School of Business and Economics (LSBE), University of Minnesota Duluth, USA. He is currently Associate Editor for the History and Philosophy Department of the
Communications of the AIS and Senior Editor of
Data Base Advances in Information Systems. He has served as President of the Association of Information Systems (AIS) Special Interest Group on Philosophy in Information Systems (SIGPhil) and was one of the Editors of a recent special issue of the
European Journal of Information Systems on Philosophy and the Future of the IS Field. His research areas include the philosophical foundations of the IS field, theorizing and theory building, IS development, business analytics, social network analysis and complexity science. He has published in the
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Decision Support Systems, Data Base Advances in Information Systems, Information Systems Management Journal, Communications of the AIS, Journal of IS Education, Informing Science Journal, Review of Accounting and Finance, Journal of Documentation, Journal of Business Analytics and in The
2018 Routledge Companion to Management Information Systems.
Leslie Willcocks is Professor of Work, Technology and Globalisation, Department of Management, London School of Economics, UK. His research areas include automation, digital business, the future of work, IT and business process outsourcing, organisational change, management, and global strategy. As well as being a professor in the Information Systems and Innovation Faculty Group, he is a Fellow of the British Computer Society. For the last 30 years he has been Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information
Technology. He is co-author of 69 books, including most recently Robotic Process and Cognitive Automation: The Next Phase, Dynamic Innovation Through Outsourcing Service Automation Robots and The Future of Work (2016, www.sbpublishing.org) and Global Business: Strategy In Context (2021). He has published over 240 refereed papers in journals such as
Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, MIS Quarterly, MISQ Executive and Journal of Management Studies.