In the bustling city of Phoenix, Arizona, a young boy named Ace Anderson is thrust into an unimaginable challenge when a mysterious and dangerous species invades his home. As the creatures spread throughout the city, chaos erupts, and families are forced to separate and flee for their lives. With his parents captured by the invaders, Ace knows he must act swiftly.
Joined by his brother and friends, Ace embarks on a daring escape plan, navigating the chaotic streets of Phoenix until they find a helicopter willing to take them to safety. As they soar above the city, Ace feels a surge of adrenaline and determination.
With each passing moment, Ace and his friends grow farther from their hometown-and closer to the unknown. Ace, ever the resourceful and knowledgeable kid, understands they must stick together and follow the rules if they are to survive this harrowing journey. The stakes are high, but Ace is determined to save his family and protect his friends.
Ace Anderson is ready to face whatever challenges come his way.
Agent Ace is a thrilling and twisty story of suspense, mystery, and trust. Perfect for young readers who love secret codes, hidden languages, and unraveling mysteries, this book will keep them on the edge of their seats until the very last page. Dive into an adventure that will make you think deeply and keep you guessing at every turn. In the bustling city of Phoenix, Arizona, a young boy named Ace Anderson faces an unimaginable challenge. A mysterious and dangerous species invades his home, spreading throughout the city, causing chaos, and forcing families to separate and flee for their lives. With his parents captured by the invaders, Ace knows he must act swiftly.
Joined by his brother and friends, Ace plans a daring escape, navigating the chaotic streets of Phoenix until they find a helicopter willing to take them to safety. As they soar above the city, Ace feels a surge of adrenaline and determination.
With each passing moment, Ace and his friends grow farther from their hometown-and closer to the unknown. Ace understands they must stick together and follow the rules if they are to survive this harrowing journey. The stakes are high, but Ace is determined to save his family and protect his friends.
Agent Ace is a thrilling and twisty story of suspense, mystery, and trust. Perfect for young readers who love secret codes, hidden languages, and unraveling mysteries, this book will keep them on the edge of their seats until the very last page. Dive into an adventure that will make you think deeply and keep you guessing at every turn. dystopian, courage, supernatural abilities, clues & codes, secret agency, journey, suspense