Every person who has been even the least curious and contemplative has wondered what the real purpose of life is.
They have also asked why life is so challenging and may have even sadly stated, "Life is tough and then you die". Then one might also ask, if there is an answer to the question, how would I know if it is correct or true? There are influential forces in this world that relentlessly strive to keep secret from the conscious minds of the humans living on this planet their true nature, purpose and potential of their human condition. The unique approach in this book for knowing truth is through the consciousness entwined in our intellectual senses, physical senses, and our spiritual senses.
When anyone sincerely wants to know the truth about anything that they become aware of, they must obligate themselves to be truly humble and open to evidence of all kinds. This means that a dedicated truth-seeker must constrain preconceived ideas, biased opinions, and be willing and open to evidence from all sources. Sources of truth are many and varied. They can be physical, intellectual, or spiritual. Therefore, the evidence can be presented in many forms; such as physical artifacts that are discovered, books that are written, ideas that are proposed, and individual experiences. Seekers of truth must be willing to use their whole being to weigh the evidence and come to a conclusion of truth or error. Truth is knowledge of things as they actually are, not as we perceive or want them to be.
The author invites the reader to eavesdrop on a conversation between an ancient Sage and his troubled descendant, who is sincerely seeking truth and the answers to life's deepest most searching questions:
How did I come to exist?
Did I live before my life here?
If there is a God, what is my relationship to God?
What is my purpose for this life?
Why is there evil in the world?
Why are people born into such varied circumstances?
What happens when I die?
What would life after death be like and where would I live?