With Amber's Mom: Lessons Learned, Susan Bobbitt-Voth candidly shares her own story as the parent of a child with a disability as well as a professional in the field of special education. Each chapter begins with vignettes from that year of Amber's life, followed by tips for parents as 'Lessons Learned' that year. Dealing with systems like special education and adult services, Amber's Mom serves as a resource for parents coping with the reality of raising a child with a disability; from early diagnosis, obtaining services and interventions, planning, and ultimately providing for a full life of social and recreational activities.
Covering many topics that parents deal with as their child grows up, Amber's Mom: Lessons Learned recounts topics like grief, loss, acceptance, marriage and divorce, mental health, and struggles with inclusion in social settings as well as personally and professionally. Susan also shares crucial insights into challenges facing parents as they deal with school districts and adult programs.
Whether you are a parent, an educator, a medical professional, or simply know someone with a disability, the unique insights provided by Amber's Mom: Lessons Learned will leave you thinking about the unique challenges awaiting both parents of, and individuals with cognitive or physical disabilities, from addressing barriers to inclusion, finding activities for the disabled, or the limited job opportunities for adults with disabilities.
Recently retired from public education, Susan Bobbitt-Voth has held many special education positions throughout her career including speech and language pathology, elementary and high school program administration positions, Director of The Diagnostic Center for Central California, and as a SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area) Director in three areas of California where she was responsible for the policies, procedures, and provision of services for up to 12,000 students with disabilities. She was also responsible for ensuring compliance with the California Department of Education, and for training staff and parents. Susan currently serves as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Coach with school districts and provides parent trainings as well. However, above all these, Susan is simply Amber's Mom!