Analysis of Categorical Data with R, Second Edition presents a modern account of categorical data analysis using the R software environment. It covers recent techniques of model building and assessment for binary, multicategory, and count response variables and discusses fundamentals, such as odds ratio and probability estimation. The authors give detailed advice and guidelines on which procedures to use and why to use them.
The second edition is a substantial update of the first based on the authors' experience of teaching from the book for nearly a decade. The book is organized as before, but with new content throughout, and there are two new substantive topics in the advanced topics chapter - group testing and splines. The computing has been completely updated, with the emmeans [CB1] package now integrated into the book. The examples have also been updated, notably to include new examples based on COVID-19, and there are more than 90 new exercises in the book. The solutions manual and teaching videos have also been updated.
- Requires no prior experience with R, and offers an introduction to the essential features and functions of R
- Numerous examples from medicine, psychology, sports, ecology, and many other areas
- Extensive integrated R code and output
- Many graphical demonstrations of the features and properties of various analysis methods
- Substantial number of exercises in all chapters, enabling use as a course text or for self-study
- Supplemented by a website with datasets, code, and teaching videos
Analysis of Categorical Data with R, Second Edition is primarily designed for a course on categorical data analysis taught at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level. Such a course could be taught in a statistics or biostatistics department, or within mathematics, psychology, social science, ecology, or another quantitative discipline. It could also be used by a self-learner, and would make an ideal reference for a researcher from any discipline where categorical data arise.
About the Author: Christopher R. Bilder is a Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Bilder has been the Principal Investigator for grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health involving research into categorical data analysis problems. His research has been published in a diverse set of outlets ranging from the Journal of the American Statistical Association to Chance. For his categorical data research, Bilder was awarded the American Statistical Association's Outstanding Statistical Application Award in 2014 and in 2018 and the Best Paper in Biometrics by an International Biometric Society Member Award in 2018. Bilder was made a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2016.
Since 2002, Bilder has taught a course on categorical data analysis to students majoring in statistics and to students majoring in a wide variety of other fields of study. He also has been a pioneer in using technology in and outside the classroom through the use of class video capturing, course websites, distance learning, blended learning, and tablets during his career. Bilder's YouTube Channel at https: // hosts his videos from courses, workshops, and presentations.
Thomas M. Loughin is a Professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC, Canada. He was Chair of the department from 2014-2019 before coming to his senses. He previously held a faculty position at Kansas State University for 13 years. At K-State he was partly funded by the College of Agriculture to provide statistical collaboration and consulting for faculty and students there. As a result, he has been active in statistical consulting, particularly the design and analysis of experiments, for most of his career. As a consultant and a teacher, he specializes in communication with subject-matter experts and students, re-expressing complex statistical concepts into language that is easy to understand.
Tom's research interests include categorical data analysis, statistical learning techniques, particularly tree-based ensembles, and sports analytics. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and an accredited professional statistician, maintaining both P.Stat. (SSC), PStat(R) (ASA). He has served on numerous committee positions within SSC and ASA and has held positions on the editorial boards of Biometrics, Technometrics, The American Statistician, and Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.
Tom is an avid curler, playing in two leagues at the Cloverdale Curling Club. He is a craft beer aficionado and a member of the world's longest-running fantasy baseball league (*), the Snedecor Baseball Mail League.
(*) Claim unconfirmed but unrefuted.