Do you, or someone you know suffer with a brain-based condition? Read about how neurofeedback training can put an end to your symptoms.
Whether its a loss of focus and concentration due to ADD, or the hyperactivity associated with ADHD, training your brain with neurofeedback can help.
The effects of chronic anxiety, depression and insomnia can be devastating. How would you feel, if you could get help for these symptoms, just by watching a movie?
Possibly you know someone suffering from a traumatic brain injury, or dealing with an autistic child who needs help communicating with the outside world.
Maybe youre growing older, and losing your edge due to the daily grind. Find out how, in just a few months, you can "turn back the clock", and regain your old enthusiasm!
This book can provide an answer to these problems, without drugs or medications!
Follow Dr Ed Carlton as he explains how neurofeedback training ended his decades-long struggle with bipolar disorder, and how, using the same approach, you too can get help.
First used to treat epilepsy, neurofeedback training is a cutting edge technology designed to balance your brainwaves, naturally eliminating your symptoms as a result.
If youre on medications, and want a different answer, you owe it to yourself to see how neurofeedback training can change your life for the better- permanently!
Long-term relief from these life-altering symptoms is available!