From the 2nd century C.E. onwards, anonymous authors wrote dozens of gospels, apostolic histories, epistles and Christian apocalypses.
The canon of the so-called New Testament was not established until the 4th century by this Christian sect, which gained the upper hand over other christian sects.
The book "Antichristus" can be regarded as another, in this case blasphemous apocrypha, which this time instead of teaching about an imaginary hereafter contains an ungodly satanic philosophy of living in "sin".
The satanic book Antichristus contains writings that are part of my earlier books: "Antichristus", which is part of the Satanic Bible - "Biblia Satanae" and the book "Ecclesia Luciferi".
These writings function independently, however, the "Ecclesia Luciferi" is basically a direct continuation of the "Antichristus" book and therefore, put together, they form a whole, both in terms of the narrative and the godless, satanic philosophy contained therein.
Satanism presented here is described in the Bible as a mystery of godlessness:
"For the mystery of godlessness is already at work". 2 Thess 2:7
"And every spirit, who does not recognise Jesus is not of God;
and this is the spirit of Antichrist, who, as you have heard, is coming
and is already in the world". 1 J 4:3
Satanism is godlessness.