This book covers a broad range of polymeric materials and provides industry professionals and researchers in polymer science and technology with a single, comprehensive book summarizing all aspects involved in the functional materials production chain.
This volume presents the latest developments and trends in advanced polymer materials and structures. It discusses the developments of advanced polymers and respective tools to characterize and predict the material properties and behavior. This book has an important role in advancing polymer materials in macro and nanoscale. Its aim is to provide original, theoretical, and important experimental results that use non-routine methodologies. It also includes chapters on novel applications of more familiar experimental techniques and analyses of composite problems that indicate the need for new experimental approaches.
This new book:
- Provides a collection of articles that highlight some important areas of current interest in key polymeric materials and technology
- Gives an up-to-date and thorough exposition of the present state of the art of key polymeric materials and technology
- Describes the types of techniques now available to the engineers and technicians and discusses their capabilities, limitations, and applications
- Provides a balance between materials science and chemical aspects, basic and applied research
- Focuses on topics with more advanced methods
- Emphasizes precise mathematical development and actual experimental details
- Explains modification methods for changing of different materials properties
About the Author: Abbas Hamrang, PhD, is a professor of polymer science and technology. He is currently a senior polymer consultant and editor and member of the academic board of various international journals. His research interests include degradation studies of historical objects and archival materials, cellulose-based plastics, thermogravemetric analysis, and accelerated ageing process and stabilization of polymers by chemical and non-chemical methods. His previous involvement in academic and industry sectors at the international level include deputy vice-chancellor of research and development, senior lecturer, manufacturing consultant, and science and technology advisor.
Devrim Balköse, PhD, graduated from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, with a degree in chemical engineering. She received her MS and PhD degrees from Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, in 1974 and 1977 respectively. She became associate professor in macromolecular chemistry in 1983 and professor in process and reactor engineering in 1990. She worked as research assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor between 1970-2000 at Ege University. She was head of the Chemical Engineering Department at Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey, between 2000 and 2009. She is now a faculty member in the same department. Her research interests are in polymer reaction engineering, polymer foams and films, adsorbent development, and moisture sorption. Her research projects are on nanosized zinc borate production, ZnO polymer composites, zinc borate lubricants, antistatic additives, and metal soaps.