1 General Introduction - The Aralkum, a man-made Desert on the Desiccated Sea Floor of the Aral Sea (Central Asia) - Aims of the Book
Breckle S-W, Wucherer W
Part A: Abiotic Conditions and Dynamics
2 Dynamics of the Aral Sea Area in Geological and Historical Times
Breckle S-W, Geldyeva GV
3 Geography, Geomorphological and Lithological Characteristics of the Aralkum Desert
Gel'dyeva GV, Breckle, S-W, Gel'dyev BV
4 Climatic Conditions at the Aralkum
Breckle S-W, Wucherer W
5 Duststorms and Aerosol Long-Distance Transport
Semenov OE
6 Landscape Dynamics in the Southern Aralkum desert - Using MODIS Time Series for Land Cover Change Analysis
Löw F, Navratil P, Bubenzer O
7 Dynamics of Dust Transfer from the Desiccated Aral Sea Bottom Analyzed by Remote Sensing
Spivak L, Terechov A, Vitkovskaya I, Batyrbayeva M, Orlovsky L
Part B: Biotic Aspects and Ecosystems Dynamics
8 Flora of the Aralkum
Dimeyeva LA, Breckle SW, Wucherer W
9 Vegetation of the Aralkum
Breckle S-W, Wucherer W, Dimeyeva LA
10 Primary Succession in the AralkumWucherer W, Breckle S-W, Buras A
11 Fauna of the Aralkum
Joger U, Dujsebayeva T, Belyalov OV, Chikin Y, Guicking D, Grachev YA, Kadyrbekov R, Miaud C
12 Halophytes and Salt Desertification in the Aralkum Area
Breckle S-W, Wucherer W
13 Spatial Distribution of Plant Functional Types along Stress Gradients - a Simulation Study Orientated towards the Plant Succession on the Desiccating Aral Sea Floor
Gröneveld J, Wucherer W, Dimeyeva LA, Jeltsch F, Wissel C, Breckle S-W
Part C: Means of Present and Future Development
14 Nature Conservation in the Aral Sea Region (Barsa Kelmes as an Example)
Dimeyeva LA, Ogar NP, Alimbetova Z, Breckle S-W
15 Phytomelioration in the Northern Aralkum
Wucherer W, Breckle S-W, Kaverin VS, Dimeyeva L, Zhamantikov K
16 Phytomelioration in the Southern Aralkum
Novitskiy ZB
17 Phytomelioration of Solonchaks in the Uzbek Pre-Aral Region under Recent Climate Change
Kuz'mina ZhV, Treshkin SYe
18 The Aralkum Situation under Climate Change related to its Broader Regional Context
Winckler G, Kleinn E+, Breckle S-W
Part D: Conclusions
19 Final Conclusions and Comments: The Aralkum, a man-made desert on the Desiccated Sea Floor of the Aral Sea (Central Asia)
Breckle S-W, Wucherer W