A comprehensive review of the science of aromaticity, as well as its evolution, from benzene to atomic clusters
In Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity: Concepts and Applications, a team of accomplished chemists delivers a comprehensive exploration of the evolution and critical aspects of aromaticity. The book examines the new global criteria used to evaluate aromaticity, including the Nucleus Independent Chemical Shift (NICS) index and the electronic indices based on electronic properties.
Additional discussions of inorganic aromatic compounds developed in this century, which give rise to new concepts like multifold aromaticity, are included. Three-dimensional aromaticity found in fullerenes and nanotubes, Möbius aromaticity present in some annulenes, and excited state aromaticity are explored as well.
This volume explores the geometrical, electronic, magnetic, and thermodynamic characteristics of aromatic and antiaromatic compounds and their reactivity properties. It also provides:
- A thorough historical overview of aromaticity, as well as simple electronic and structural models
- Comprehensive explorations of organic and inorganic aromatic compounds, concepts of stability and reactivity, and geometric, energetic, magnetic, and electronic criteria of descriptors of aromaticity
- Practical discussions of heteroaromaticity, as well as Möbius aromaticity and excited state aromaticity
- In-depth examinations of sigma, pi, delta, and phi aromaticity
Perfect for graduate students, researchers, and academics interested in aromaticity, organometallic chemistry, and computational chemistry, Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity: Concepts and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of professionals and researchers working in organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry.
About the Author:
Miquel Solà, PhD, is Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry and researcher of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis at the University of Girona.
Alexander Boldyrev, PhD, is Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Utah State University in the United States
Micha K. Cyra ski, PhD, is Full Professor in the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Warsaw in Poland.
T. Marek Krygowski, PhD, is Emeritus Professor in the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Warsaw in Poland.
Gabriel Merino, PhD, is Full Professor at the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados in Mérida, Mexico.