The Art of Influencing, Uk Spelling Learn the 7 traits of influential people and 6 steps to change the way you influence others.
What makes people influential?
Change your skills and attitude to get the results you desire.
An easy to understand approach to becoming more influential. This book is about developing a set of beliefs and behaviours that make you a more influential force.
We have identified 7 traits that influential people share and, the good news is, you can learn them too.
We have also looked at how to build and structure a really effective case to influence
and created a step by step guide for you to follow when you want to be a successful influencer.
This is the UK spelling version. We also have a world spelling edition, just search for the ISBN 978-1537637785
In this book you will discover how to: -
- Decide what your influencing goals are and state them in a compelling way
- Find ways to increase your credibility with others
- Avoid manipulative practice and become more authentic
- Develop stronger and more trusting relationships
- Inspire others to follow your lead
- Become a more influential communicator
- Develop your skill in building a successful case for influencing
This book is packed with case studies, exercises and practical tips
to help you to develop the traits required to become a more influential person.
Quotes about the Art of Influencing
"Interesting, readable and practical -
everything I want from this type of book."
"A brand new take on influencing."
"Thought provoking and extremely helpful."
"This book was a revelation."
Deborah Dalley
Deborah Dalley has been working as a freelance training and development consultant for over 25 years.
Her employment background is the Criminal Justice System and Higher Education.
Deborah is particularly interested in leadership and team development
with much of her work focusing around influencing, emotional intelligence and the management of change.
Lois Burton
Lois an innovative and progressive leadership development consultant and leadership coach
whose career over the last 25 years has included work with many of the most complex issues for individuals and organisations.
She is passionate about developing authentic, confident leaders who can fulfill their potential,
build extraordinary teams, increase leadership capacity and create successful, resilient, organisations.