About the Book
An inspiring collection of handmade folded paper books with practical templates.
Packed with great examples by renowned artists and paper crafters and a wealth of folding templates, this book is a suggestive journey through the fantastic world of handmade books without binding, using origami and kirigami paper folding techniques to build leporellos, labyrinth, mini books, tunnel and other kinds of books.This repertoire of shapes and structures, many of them easy to make, is intended for artists, visual artists and teachers, as well as for lovers of handmade objects, scrapbooking or creative hobbies, who will find in here tools at the service of their imagination. The models presented here, some of them by artists known worldwide like Masahiro Chatani, Katsumi Komagata, Ed Hutchins, Paul Johnson, Hedi Kyle, Werner Pfeiffer, Alisa Golden and Joan Michaels Paque, not only use the traditional base of the classic folds resulting from oriental paper folding techniques (preliminary square or triangular base, lotus or diamond folding) but you will also find basic shapes which are reinvented.
Artists included. Australia: Lisa Giles, Annette Mauer et Melissa
Danemark: Kristine Suhr;
France: Brigitte Husson, Catherine et Kimihito Okuyama, Clementine Sourdais, Coco
Téxèdre, Elsa Mroziewicz, Emmanuelle Jamme, Eni Looka, Frédérique Le Lous
Delpech, Hélène Baumel, Isabelle Faivre, Jacques Desse, Jean-Claude
Planchenault, Jean-Jacques Delalandre, Laurence Bucourt, Loig Legrand-Lafoy; Malica
Lestang Philippe Phérivong, Marjon Mudde, Martine Gautier, Nicolas Codron, Patricia
Cavrois, Philippe Morlot, Shirley Sharoff;
Germany: Gisela Oberbeck;
Italy: Pietro Franchi¡;
Japan: Humiako Huzita, Miyako
Korea: Kelly Seojung Lee;
Netherlands: Jeroen Hillhorst;
Russia: Emile
UK: Annwyn Dean, Paul Johnson;
USA: Béatrice Coron (NY, NY), Carolyn Leigh (Tucson, AZ), Diana Bloomfield (Raleigh, NC), Ed Hutchins (Salem,
NY), Gina Pisello (Sequim, WA)), Hedi Kyle (NY, NY), Kenneth Leslie (Northern
Vermont), Kevin Steele (Atlanta, GA), Paula Beardell Krieg (NY, NY), Peter D.
Gerakaris, Thomas Parker Williams (Philadelphia, PA).
About the Author: Born in Paris, France,
Jean-Charles Trebbi is an urban architect, designer, artist and writer. A Renaissance man who specializes in the infinite possibilities of folding, cutting and assembling using paper, cardboard, textiles and even wood and metal, influenced by Bruno Munari, Katsumi Komagata, et Masahiro Chatani he creates his own art books, which are often inspired by urban spaces and architecture, and produces completely original structures with pop-up, folding and cutting techniques. He is author of several books on cutting, folding and pop-up techniques for all sorts of materials and on near-natural architecture.