Now a day's Low back pain (LBP) is emerged as an important clinical, social,
economic, and public health problem affecting the population indiscriminately. It is a disorder
with many possible etiologies, occurring in many groups of the population, and with many
definitions. Consequently, the vast literature available on LBP is not only heterogeneous but
also contradictory. A clear description regarding the Samprapti, Lakshana of Kati Graha is
explained by the Shodhala in the Kayachikitsa Khanda, Vataroga Adhikara. He has described
various formulations for Kati Shoola and has specifically indicated Trayodashanga Guggulu
for Kati Graha. The prevalence of LBP in Indian population has been found to vary between
6.2% (in general population) to 92% (in construction workers). Low back pain can be medically
and economically devastating and is the number one cause for disability in patients younger
than forty-five years of age and it is the number three cause for disability in patients older than
forty-five years of age. This problem, supposedly has a favourable natural history, although it
can be remarkably disabling, has challenged to the health care providers. Understanding the
role of different medical systems in the management of backache is important for the costeffective
management of the disease. Physician treating backache patients should understand
this, so that they can co-ordinate and integrate functionally based programs, because no single
medication, modality, exercise regimen or other treatment technique may import significant
impact in low backache recovery. (Gupta S 2016)