Introduction; D. Linke and A. Goldman
1. Adhesins of human pathogens from the genus Yersinia; J.C. Leo and M. Skurnik
2. Adhesive mechanisms of Salmonella enteric; C. Wagner and M. Hensel
3. Adhesion Mechanisms of Borrelia burgdorferi; S. Antonara, L. Ristow and J. Coburn
4. Adhesins of Bartonella spp.; F. O´Rourke, T. Schmidgen, P.O. Kaiser, D. Linke and V.A.J. Kempf
5. Adhesion Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogenic Xanthomonadeae; N. Mhedbi-Hajri, M.-A. Jacques and R. Koebnik
6. Adhesion by Pathogenic Corynebacteria; E.A. Rogers, A. Das and H. Ton-That
7. Adhesion Mechanisms of Staphylococci; C. Heilmann
8. Protein Folding in Bacterial Adhesion: Secretion and Folding of Classical Monomeric Autotransporters; P. van Ulsen
9. Structure and Biology of Trimeric Autotransporter Adhesins; A. Lyskowski, J.C. Leo and A. Goldman
10. Crystallography and EM of chaperone/usher pilus systems; S. Geibel and G. Waksman
11. Crystallography of Gram-positive Bacterial Adhesins; V. Krishnan and S.V.L. Narayana
12. The nonideal coiled coil of M protein and its multifarious functions in pathogenesis; P. Ghosh
13. Bacterial Extracellular Polysaccharides; K. Bazaka, R.J. Crawford, E.L. Nazarenko and E.P. Ivanova
14. Carbohydrate mediated bacterial adhesion; R. J. Pieters
15. The Application of NMR Techniques to Bacterial Adhesins; F. Shewmaker
16. Electron microscopy techniques to study bacterial adhesion; I. Grin, H. Schwarz and D. Linke
17. EM Reconstruction of Adhesins: Future Prospects; F. Ilaria and F. Giusti
18. Atomic force microscopy to study intermolecular forces and bonds associated with bacteria; S.K. Lower
19. Assessing Bacterial Adhesion on an Individual Adhesin and Single Pili Level using Optical Tweezers; O. Axner, M. Andersson, O. Björnham, M. Castelain, J. Klinth, E. Koutris and S. Schedin
20. Short time-scale bacterial adhesion dynamics; J. Geng and N. Henry
21. Deciphering Biofilm Structure and Reactivity by Multiscale Time-resolved Fluorescence Analysis; A. Bridier, E. Tischenko, F. Dubois-Brissonnet, J.-M. Herry, V. Thomas, S. Daddi-Oubekka, F. Waharte, K. Steenkeste, M.-P. Fontaine-Aupart and R. Briandet
22. Inhibition of Bacterial Adhesion on Medical Devices; L.R. Rodrigues