Become An Essentialist: Doing Less But Better- How To Do Only The Things That Truly MatterIt's very easy for you to run yourself ragged. Yes, It really is.
Whether we're talking about your job, your business, your relationships, or any other thing in your life, it's easy to run out of steam.
After all, you only have so many hours in a day. Worse yet, you only have so much will power and focus to spare in a day.
Most people try to get things done by doing the easiest stuff first. They then kick the can down the road.
They end up being so intimidated by the 'big stuff' that they take refuge in the 'small stuff'.
When the time comes to handle the big stuff, they have run out of will power. So they end up postponing and holding things off.
They wait for the last minute before they get the will to handle the big stuff. Oftentimes, the quality isn't all that good.
No wonder most people don't get the best results at work, at business, or in their relationships. They focus on the things that don't really matter.
Becoming an essentialist is all about the art of focusing on the stuff that truly matters and doing the very best job you can.
By focusing on the 20% of the things you do in a day that account for 80% of your results, Essentialism enables you to get better results.
For every minute you invest in the things that truly matter, the more effective you become in all areas of your life.
So how does you as an essentialist work? You analyze all the things you are doing and you separate stuff that will truly take your life to the next level... and everything else.
By making the truly fundamental stuff the highest priority in your life-
you get more results,
you get closer and closer to the ultimate success you have been chasing for, and
you start seeing great changes in your life because you have finally focused on the things that truly matter.
Focusing on the most crucial elements of your life enables you to become better at them.
Sure, they are very challenging at first. They seem really difficult.
How can they not?
After all, you have been dodging them until this point in time. Since you don't engage them, you are not exactly proficient or ultra-capable when handling them.
But the more you push against them, the more you'll be able to see patterns. You start chipping away at them. You start connecting the dots and they get easier and easier.
Once you reach the stage where you can take apart and then put them together in a more efficient way, you will be able to do so much more while spending the least amount of time and energy.
I know this sounds hard to believe at this point. However, you'd be truly amazed at just how good you can become at something if you only kept at it for so long.
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