In "Before Harpazo," embark on a journey through a world poised on the brink of the Rapture. This collection of short stories from Janice Wee's series: Emunah Short Stories, explores the lives of ordinary individuals thrust into extraordinary circumstances, each story revealing a different facet of love, faith, and the battle between good and evil.
Abigail: Enamored by a gorgeous hunk, Abigail faces a difficult choice between her newfound attraction and her loyal best friend, who has hidden feelings for her. Will she follow her heart or heed her friend's silent plea?
Oliver: As a devoted soul-winner, Oliver's life takes a dark turn when he becomes the target of a mysterious evil being from the spiritual realm. Will his unwavering faith be enough to protect him from the forces that seek to destroy him?
Emunah: Navigating the complexities of love and friendship, Emunah finds herself entangled in a conspiracy involving evil aliens and occult practices. With her best friend at her side, she must uncover the truth and free a cursed friend before it's too late.
John: In a tale of perseverance and determination, John, an underdog weightlifter, trains relentlessly to compete in a championship that could save his ailing mother. With the odds stacked against him, will he rise to the challenge and secure the prize?
"Before Harpazo" is Volume 1 of the Emunah Short Story Collections, offering readers a unique blend of romance, suspense, and supernatural elements. Each story is a testament to the power of faith and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of impending change.