Chapter 1: Overview of DevOps and Continuous Deployment- What is DevOps
- Principles of DevOps
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Deployment
Chapter 2: Overview of iOS application development
- iOS development environment
- Building with Xcode
- Automation with fastlane
Chapter 3: Core Amazon Web Services (AWS) Concepts
- What is Cloud Computing and AWS
- Introduction to Core AWS Services
- The value proposition of AWS
Chapter 4: DevOps on AWS
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Delivery
- Microservices
- Infrastructure as Code
- Monitoring and Logging
Chapter 5: Amazon EC2 Mac Build Server
- iOS development at scale without EC2 Mac build server
- Deploying EC2 Mac Server
- Connecting to your EC2 Mac Server
- Monitoring for EC2 macOS
- Other Cloud-based Mac build server Offerings
Chapter 6: Setup Development tools on the Build server
- Apple developer Command-line tools
- Setting up Xcode
- Setting up Jenkins
- Setting up Fastlane
Chapter 7: Source Control with AWS Code Commit- Git fundamentals
- Creating an AWS CodeCommit repository
- Approval Rules in AWS CodeCommit
- Security in AWS CodeCommit
- Monitoring an AWS CodeCommit Repository
Chapter 8: Automated build with Jenkins
- Introduction to Jenkins Plugins
- Jenkins git Plugin
- Integrate an AWS CodeCommit Repository with Jenkins
- iOS application build on Jenkins
- Managing build artifacts
Chapter 9: Automated Testing with AWS Device Farm
- Introduction to AWS Device Farm
- Setting up a Device Farm Project and Test Runs
- Integrate Device Farm with Jenkins
- Automating AWS Device Farm
Chapter 10: Automated Deployment
- Integrate Jenkins and Fastlane for Continuous Integration
- Automate Code Signing
- Automate Appstore deployments
Chapter 11 - Pipeline Orchestration with AWS CodePipeline
- Creating a CICD Pipeline with AWS CodePipeline
- Integrating AWS CodeCommit to Pipeline
- Integrating Jenkins to Pipeline for Building
- Integrate AWS Device Farm to Pipeline for Testing
- Adding an automated Deployment stage
- Monitoring AWS CodePipeline
Chapter 12 - Multi AWS Environment Pipeline Deployment
- Why need a Cross-Account Pipeline Deployment
- Prerequisites of a Cross-Account Pipeline
- Creating a Pipeline with AWS CodeCommit in a different account
- Creating a Pipeline with AWS Device Farm in a different account
Audience: Beginning