The first ever collection of stories and vignettes from noted science fiction and fantasy storyteller Scott Ellis. Ellis' stories bridge the gap between the literary and sublime, and the flat out funny, with diverse and intriguing characters and bizarre situations, including...
Benny the Antichrist, He's the arch-arch-villain, the most made guy in this universe or any other. And he's looking to make a career change...
The Reason of Sleep, How do you make your way in a world ruled by those who never sleep and those who live in dreams?
Fae-Dar, There's this bar, see, full of gods, trolls, pixies and every other being out of myth and legend. And in walks an accountant...
In the Shaft, two guys getting high and playing b-ball in a skyscraper elevator shaft, what could go wrong?
Sidecar, the path to world peace, through nanotech and alcohol.
Magic Phone, a lyrical conversation about guns, long distance and neutrinos
The Deep Crew, who handles the psychic garbage of an entire city? A special kind of sanitation worker.