Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2021 represents the result of a nationwide conversation-beginning with journal editors but expanding to teachers, scholars, and workers across the discipline of rhetoric and composition-to select essays that showcase the innovative and transformative work now being published in the field's journals. Representing both print and digital journals, the essays featured here provide readers with a rich understanding of the present and future conversations in the field.
The anthology features work by Heather Bastian, Tessa Brown, Rasha Diab, Desiree Dighton, Beth Godbee, Brittany Hull, Jamila M. Kareem, Stephanie L. Kerschbaum, Molly Margaret Kessler, Carmen Kynard, Temptaous Mckoy, Brian McShane, Genesis Barco Medina, Kendra L. Mitchell, Andrea Riley Mukavetz, Alejandra I. Ramírez, Robert E. Randolph, Jr., Berte Reyes, Cecilia D. Shelton and Ruben Zecena, representing these journals: College Composition and Communication, Community Literacy Journal, constellations, enculturation, Journal of Basic Writing, Kairos, Literacy in Composition Studies, Pedagogy, Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, WPA: Writing Program Administration, and Writing Center Journal.