1. Part I. Concepts and general overview a. Introduction
b. The overseas production system phenomenon c. Globalization and maquiladoras industries
d. Alien manufacturing philosophies, tools and techniques adopted in Latin America.
2. Part II. Technique, tools and methodologies applied in manufacturing process
a. Adoption process for techniques, tools and production process philosophies.
b. Cases of studies from techniques, tools and production process philosophies
3. Part III. Information and communication technologies (ICT) in production process
a. ICT implementation in production process
b. ICT implementation pitfalls
c. ICT in manufacturing production control
d. Real-time and collaborative decision making in manufacturing process
4. Advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT) in production process
a. AMT implementation in production process
b. AMT evaluation and selection
c. AMT implementation pitfalls
5. Part IV. New business models in manufacturing process
a. Supply chain integration as competitive advantage
b. Industry 4.0
c. Forecasting d. Advanced manufacturing technologies in production process
e. Metrics and parameters for productivity measure.
6. Human factors in manufacturing process
a. Ergonomics in manufacturing process b. Macroergonomics in manufacturing process
c. Industrial security
d. Occupational health
e. Leadership in manufacturing
f. Education and training for manufacturing
About the Author: Jorge Luis García Alcaraz is a full-time researcher of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. His main research areas are multicriteria decision making process and techniques applied to lean manufacturing, production process and supply chain modeling. He is founding member of the Mexican Society of Operation Research and active member in the Mexican Academy of Industrial Engineering.
Leonardo Rivera Cadavid works at the Universidad del Valle, in Cali, Colombia, in the School of Industrial Engineering. His research interests include applied operations research, manufacturing and logistics systems, new geometries for distribution centers, lean manufacturing and programming tools for mathematical modeling and general programming in Industrial Engineering.
Rosa G. González-Ramírez is a full-time professor and researcher of Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the Universidad de Los Andes in Chile.Her research lines consider intermodal transport of cargo, port logistics and optimization of container terminals operations; port community systems and information technologies for electronic data interchange, supply chain management, and optimization.
George Leal Jamil is an independent researcher, consultant and a Professor for top-level academic and business-oriented (associations) institutions in Brazil, Portugal and US. He is an experienced consultant in themes such as strategic value positioning, strategic planning, marketing research, customer-oriented funding, customer relationship knowledge, project and process management and information technology strategic management. He works with startups incubators, accelerators and individual projects in Brazil since 2014.
Mario Gustavo Chong Chong is a Professor and an Associate of the School of Business Engineering at Universidad del Pacífico, Peru. He is the Director of the Peruvian Association of Professionals in Logistics (APPROLOG). He is the coordinator of special projects, corporate and international program development director, academic director of the Master's programs in Business Administration (MBA), Global Business, Agribusiness, and Food and Supply Chain Management at Universidad del Pacífico.