To know things as they are, we first must know what they are not.
So it was with Beyond The Logo - The Brand Within.
Personal Brand has, for most, become such a misunderstood or misinterpreted phrase.
Some say it is reputation, despite clear evidence that reputation is merely the opinion of others. Some claim that by being well- known, a micro-celebrity if you will, we have a Personal Brand. A definition that allows anyone to effectively "hide in plain sight."
Beyond The Logo - The Brand Within has one purpose; to uncover your character and unique values and then to position you as someone worth knowing. You are the most wonderful of human beings and you're playing small does not serve the world.
This book is a comprehensive guide into the business world where logo, advertising and brand awareness often combine to create a perfected & polished 'invention' of what is truly on offer. A lack of transparency and failure to uncover Who is behind the brand is the reason why trust in brands and companies is at an all-time low. Personal and corporate brands don't have the courage to be imperfect. They simply magnify the good, hide the bad and outright lie about the intentions of the people behind the brand.
Beyond The Logo - The Brand Within highlights the importance of Intuition, our sixth sense.
"The primary wisdom is intuition. In that deep force, the last fact behind which analysis cannot go, all things find their origin." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
This book also provides a doorway to becoming not only someone worth knowing but, through the power of story, someone who is always remembered.
It is simply me, helping you to reach your full potential and then creating an even grander version of Who you are.