In this short treatise, the author attempts to analyze the process by which a particular disease has become, for a fairly long period of time, the sole concern of the country. He tries to understand why the disease and its representation have invaded all the fields of power in France but also in many other countries.
President Macron's speech on March 16, 2020, can be seen as the manifesto of a new page in our history.
How to explain the sudden political centrality of this epidemic? What happened to make the executive branch, weakened by the crises affecting most sectors of society, seize all powers, including medical power, thus calling into question the sacrosanct principle of the "separation of powers", without raising any notable protests?
Finally, how can we understand that the economy has been greatly slowed down and the population confined? That the dead have been left without burial? That the pillars of classical morality collapsed for a moment? That cultural activity was stopped? That cinemas, restaurants, theaters, opera houses...were closed?
Everything shows that through this unprecedented crisis, a new regime is being put in place, which the author describes as "biocracy", an immense revolution by which we pass from the "government of men" to the "management of the living".
Lawyer, essayist, playwright; publications: A hauteur de femme (theater); Le lys entre les chardons (novel); De la IVème République au néo-féodalisme; La face cachée de l'Affaire Tapie; de Voltaire à Badinter; as well as numerous articles.