Highlights the Emergence of Image Processing in Food and Agriculture
In addition to uses specifically related to health and other industries, biological imaging is now being used for a variety of applications in food and agriculture. Bio-Imaging: Principles, Techniques, and Applications fully details and outlines the processes of bio-imaging applicable to food and agriculture, and connects other bio-industries, as well as relevant topics. Due to the noncontact and nondestructive nature of the technology, biological imaging uses unaltered samples, and allows for internal quality evaluation and the detection of defects. Compared to conventional methods, biological imaging produces results that are more consistent and reliable, and can ensure quality monitoring for a variety of practices used in food and agriculture industries as well as many other biological industries. The book highlights every imaging technique available along with their components, image acquisition procedures, advantages, and comparisons to other approaches.
- Describes essential components of imaging technique in great detail
- Incorporates case studies in appropriate chapters
- Contains a wide range of applications from a number of biological fields
Bio-Imaging: Principles, Techniques, and Applications focuses on the imaging techniques for biological materials and the application of biological imaging. This technology, which is quickly becoming a standard practice in agriculture and food-related industries, can aid in enhanced process efficiency, quality assurance, and food safety management overall.
About the Author: Dr. Digvir S. Jayas, distinguished professor, was educated at the G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (India); the University of Manitoba (Canada); and the University of Saskatchewan (Canada). He is vice president (Research and International) at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. He has authored or coauthored more than 800 technical articles in scientific journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, and conference papers. Jayas has collaborated with researchers in several countries, but has had a significant impact on the development of efficient grain storage, handling, and drying systems in Canada, China, India, Ukraine, and the United States.
Dr. Vadivambal Rajagopal
is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Manitoba, Canada. She holds a doctoral degree in biosystems engineering from the University of Manitoba, Canada, and a bachelor's of agricultural engineering from Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore, India. In her research career, she has published in national and international journals more than 15 research papers related to grain quality, grain storage issues, microwave drying and disinfestation, and thermal imaging. She has presented research articles at many national and international conferences and has authored chapters in books related to the food and agriculture industry.