This book is a concise, comprehensive and up-to-date account of fundamental concepts and potential applications of biological timekeeping mechanisms in animals and humans. It also discusses significant aspects of the organization and importance of timekeeping mechanisms in both groups. Divided into seven sections, it addresses important aspects including fundamental concepts; animal and human clocks; clock interactions; clocks and metabolism and immune functions; pineal, melatonin and timekeeping; and clocks, photoperiodism and seasonal behaviours. The book also focuses on biological clock applications in a 24x7 human society, particularly in connection with life-style associated disorders like obesity and diabetes. It is a valuable resource for advanced undergraduates, researchers and professionals engaged in the study of the science of biological timekeeping.
About the Author: Dr. Vinod Kumar is currently Professor of Zoology at the University of Delhi, India. He has about 4 decades of research and three-and-half decades of teaching experience in different Indian Universities. He has spent about 5 years abroad as a researcher working in different institutions other countries viz. the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Japan, and over more than a year-and-half as Visiting Professor working in Texas A&M University, USA. He has been awarded several international fellowships under The Indian National Science Academy - The Royal Society exchange program, DST-European Community bilateral cooperation, CIDA-NSERC Canada program, MaxPlanck Society post-doctoral and visting fellowship (over 5 years). He is honored with: 2010 Platinum Jubilee Lecture Award, ISCA, SRM University, Chennai; 2008 Vijay - Usha Sodha Scientific Research Prize, University of Lucknow 2006; P. Govindarajulu Gold medal from the Society of Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology, India; 2000 Young Investigator Award Gordon Research Conference in Pineal Cell Biology (Oxford, UK). He has received recognition from different international forums in the form Associate membership, regular membership and member of the scientific committees and Editorial Board of prestigious journals. He has published about 140 research publications, in most reputed journals of organismal biology, including the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA; Proceedings of Royal Society B, Journal of Pineal Research, BMC Genomics, Journal of Biological Rhythms, Chronobiology International, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, General and Comparative Endocrinology, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, Journal of Comparative Neurology, Physiology and Behavior, Journal of Comparative Physiology A&B, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, Behavioral Brain Research, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, Molecular Brain Research, Journal of Ornithology, etc. Books edited and authored by him are: 2002 Biological Rhythms, edited (Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi/ Springer-Verlag, Germany). 1996 Animal Behaviour (Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay). He has been the most visible Indian face in the international meetings and conferences in the area of his research. He has established the state-of-art research facility in his area of research in at least 3 different institutions in India, and has trained a generation of scientists to take the field forward. He has contributed heavily for the growth of the subject by organizing Schools, conferences and Symposia, and individual trainings. He is the Secretary (and President-Elect) of the Indian Society for Chronobiology.