This edited book explores the use of technology to enable us to visualise the life sciences in a more meaningful and engaging way. It will enable those interested in visualisation techniques to gain a better understanding of the applications that can be used in visualisation, imaging and analysis, education, engagement and training.
The reader will be able to explore the utilisation of technologies from a number of fields to enable an engaging and meaningful visual representation of the biomedical sciences, with a focus in this volume related to anatomy, and clinically applied scenarios.
The first six chapters have an anatomical focus examining digital technologies and applications to enhance education. The first examines the history and development of ultrasound, applications in an educational setting, and as a point-of-care ultrasound at the bedside. The second chapter presents a transferable workflow methodology in creating an interactive educational and training package to enhance understanding of the circadian rhythm. The third chapter reviews tools and technologies, which can be used to enhance off-campus learning, and the current range of visualisation technologies like virtual, augmented and mixed reality systems. Chapter four discusses how scanning methodologies like CT imagery, can make stereoscopic models. The fifth chapter describes a novel way to reconstruct 3D anatomy from imaging datasets and how to build statistical 3D shape models, described in a clinical context and applied to diagnostic disease scoring. The sixth chapter looks at interactive visualisations of atlases in the creation of a virtual resource, for providing next generation interfaces.The seventh and eight chapters discuss neurofeedback for mental health education and interactive visual data analysis (applied to irritable bowel disease) respectively.
The final two chapters examine current immersive technologies -virtual and augmented reality, with the last chapter detailing virtual reality in patients with dementia.
This book is accessible to a wide range of users from faculty and students, developers and computing experts, the wider public audience. It is hoped this will aid understanding of the variety of technologies which can be used to enhance understanding of clinical conditions using modern day methodologies.
About the Author: Prof. Paul Rea is a medically qualified clinical anatomist and is a Senior Lecturer and Licensed Teacher of Anatomy. He has an MSc (by research) in craniofacial anatomy/surgery, a PhD in neuroscience, the Diploma in Forensic Medical Science (DipFMS), and has successfully an MEd (Learning and Teaching in Higher Education), with his dissertation examining digital technologies in anatomy. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA), elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, professional member of the Institute of Medical Illustrators (MIMI) and a fully registered medical illustrator with the Academy for Healthcare Science.
Prof. Rea has published widely and presented at many national and international meetings, including invited talks. He sits on the Executive Editorial Committee for the Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, is Associate Editor for the European Journal of Anatomy and reviews for 20 different journals/publishers.He is the Public Engagement and Outreach lead for anatomy coordinating collaborative projects with the Glasgow Science Centre, NHS and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. Prof. Rea is also a STEM ambassador and has visited numerous schools to undertake outreach work.
His research involves a long-standing strategic partnership with the School of Simulation and Visualisation The Glasgow School of Art. This has led to multi-million pound investment in creating world leading 3D digital datasets to be used in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching to enhance learning and assessment. This successful collaboration resulted in the creation of the worlds first taught MSc Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy combining anatomy and digital technologies. The Institute of Medical Illustrators also accredits it. This degree, now into its 8th year, has graduated almost 100 people, and created college-wide, industry, multi-institutional and NHS research linked projects for students. Prof. Rea is the Pathway Leader for this degree.