The book describes hazardous waste industries, sources of waste generation, characterization and treatment processes/ methods and technique and technology to deal with the treated waste as per the prescribed standard. Advanced treatment based on the microbial remediation, plant-based decontamination, rhizoremediation and nano-based remediation is also explained. Advances in treatment technology using biotechnological tools/bionanotechnology for removal of contaminants are described. This volume will help readers to develop biotechnological and nanotechnological approaches for the remediation of hazardous waste and the developed technology that can be transferred from laboratory to land and piloting to commercial scenarios.
Prof. M. H. Fulekar a Professor and Joint Director (R&D), Centre of Research for Development, Parul University.
Dr. Bhawana Pathak is working as an Associate Professor and Dean in School of Environment and Sustainable Development, Central University of Gujarat.
About the Author: M H Fulekar is a Senior Professor & Dean School of Environment and Sustainable Development, and Director-Sector 30 campus, Central University of Gujarat. He was professor and Head, University Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai. He has in his credit 350 numbers of research papers and articles published in international and national journals of repute. He is also author of 15 books published by CRC, Springer, IK International, Oxford etc. He has guided 15 Ph.D. and 22 MPhil students and guiding 10 PhD students in Environmental Biotechnology and Environmental Nanotechnology. As a Principal Investigator, he has completed Research Project: UGC, CSIR, BRNS, DBT R&D and Industrial projects. He was awarded ILO fellowship ILO/UNDP1985: ILO/FINNIDA; ILO/JAPAN. UGC - awarded BSR fellow (2018). He has achieved "Who's Who" in Science and Engineering USA in 1998; and "Outstanding Scientist of the 20th Century" in 2000, from International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. He is also a member of New York Academy of Sciences, USA. He is recipient of Education Leadership Award and International award for Environmental Biotechnology. Recently he has been awarded as Eminent Educationist. He has worked in various capacities in University Administration. Area of Research Interest: Environmental Science; Environmental Biotechnology: Environmental Nanotechnology. As expert, he visited USA, Australia, Singapore, Bangkok Thailand, Hong Kong, Nepal etc.
Bhawana Pathak is working as Associate Professor in School of Environment and Sustainable Development, Central University of Gujarat. Earlier she has worked as a Pool Officer in University Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai. She was awarded CSIR - Research Associateship and worked on Plant behaviour Ecology and Biodiversity conservation at GBPHIED Kosi, Katarmal Almora. She has completed her M.Sc. in Botany with Gold Medal from Kumaun University Nainital and PhD in Plant Ecology from G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development Kosi -Katarmal Almora. She has 15 years of Research and teaching experience in the specialized area of Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Biotechnology and Environmental Nanotechnology. 13 MPhil and 2 PhD have been awarded under her guidance and presently she is guiding 06 PhD students. She also contributes in Development of curriculum for different courses; published research papers, scientific research articles, book chapters and books, and also contributed in innovative research work in the specialized area for future policies. She has also presented scientific papers in national and International Conferences and Seminars. She has achieved the Excellency in the area of Ecology, Biodiversity conservation and Environmental Biotechnology. She is a recipient of Bharat Gaurav Award and Outstanding Faculty award in Bio Science & Technology. Her biographical note is also published in Asia pacific - learned India: Educationist who is who. Presently she is focusing on Transferring the Lab Technology to the Land as a major task.