There are many different types of people that have BPD and most react differently to situations. Some people overcome the disorder and can still live normal lives that some people probably would never tell that they had BPD. Now there are others, who can't cope with their disorder and they let it take them over. Most people are like this within the slightest during their first stages of diagnosis. You don't really understand why you are the way that you are, but you will slowly understand it and overcome your situation. So many people in the past have had BPD and they are still here within their own stories to tell us what they did to overcome it all. It is a song challenge for yourself, but once you have accepted it and started working towards a better you then you will see the progress. I swear in the end its worth it to grab a hold of your disorder so you are in control, not the other way around.
In This Book You Will Learn: ✓ Problem-Solving With Depression or Anxiety
✓ Common Causes of Mood Disorders
✓ Understanding Your Moods and the Way You Think
✓ How to Diagnose Your Negative Thought Patterns
✓ Identifying Your Triggers for Anxiety and Stress
✓ Practical Applications of CBT
✓ Counter Negative and Angry Feelings
✓ Dealing With Feelings of Guilt
✓ Counteract Hopelessness
✓ Steps to Dealing with Mood Disorders and Depression
✓ Why Self-Care Is the Best Care
✓ How Does Self-Care Improve Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence?
✓ Taking Responsibility for Your Happiness
✓ Your Life Is Set Around Your Own Values
✓ Setting Healthy Boundaries
✓ Stay Tuned Into Your Feelings
✓ Give Yourself Permission to Set Boundaries
✓ Eliminating Toxicity and Not Caring About Losing Friends
✓ Don't Keep Falling for Crisis Situations
✓ Accept Your Own Difficulties and Weaknesses
✓ Surround Yourself With Healthy relationships
And So Much More!
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