About the Book
If you're in marketing, advertising, or branding, consider this: While it used to take three television spots for a product to register with its intended audience, it can now take as many as seventy. Are people simply tuning out marketing messages? No. They're simply choosing which messages to tune in. Thanks to wireless technology, customers now have the luxury of responding (or not responding) to advertising when, where, and however they like. Leading companies such as Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Starbucks, Kellogg's, NBC, MTV, Procter & Gamble, DaimlerChrysler, and others are already reaching millions of customers, one at a time, wirelessly. The technology gives these companies an unprecedented view of buying patterns and the ability to identify and market specifically to the most likely customers. In Branding Unbound, author Rick Mathieson reveals how your business can emulate some of the most powerful and successful branding strategies in the world. In addition, Mathieson has conducted exclusive, insightful Q&As with some of the modern legends of cutting-edge marketing and business: * Seth Godin, author of Permission Marketing, Unleashing the Idea Virus, and Purple Cow, discusses permission marketing in a wireless landscape. * Tom Peters, ""the father of the postmodern corporation"" and author of The Brand You 50 and In Search of Excellence, offers the Peters Principles for the wireless era. * Don Peppers, world-renowned marketing thought leader and author of Enterprise One-to-One, talks about how mobility will alter the brand experience. * Christopher Locke, author of The Cluetrain Manifesto and Gonzo Marketing, presents a ""Cluetrain Manifesto"" for the Mobile Age. * Chet Huber, President of OnStar, describes how the demand for in-vehicle services and information will change drivers' relationships with their vehicles. * Gary Hamel, Chairman of Strategos and author of Leading the Revolution and Competing for the Future, discusses the first priority of the wireless age: strategic transformation. * Howard Rheingold, author of Smart Mobs and The Virtual Community, champions the new ""self-organized entertainment"" of ""flash mobs."" Branding Unbound also offers a jargon-free look at current and emerging wireless technologies, examines the impact of social networking on mBranding strategy, and reveals the Top Ten Secrets of Successful Mobile Advertising.
About the Author: Rick Mathieson is an award-winning writer, author, speaker and frequent media commentator on the converging worlds of marketing, media and technology. His insights on postmodern marketing have been featured in ADWEEK, Advertising Age, E-Business and on CBS Radio and NPR. His research into next-generation business models has earned praise from USA Today and Dow Jones Interactive. And he has been a featured speaker at industry events such as The Microsoft Leadership Forum, Yahoo's "Branducation" lecture series and The American Management Association's "Corporate Branding" series, and others.
Over the last few years, he has briefed executives from FedEx, Virgin America, AllState, Bloomingdales, Yahoo, MasterCard, Chevron, Hard Rock Cafe, Accenture, HP, IBM, Fair Isaac, Franklin Templeton and many others on trends in marketing and emerging media platforms. And he has served as an advisor to venture capital firms seeking expert opinion on potential investments.
A veteran of the advertising industry, Mathieson currently serves as vice president and creative director for one of Silicon Valley's most prominent advertising agencies.
As Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge puts it, Mathieson is a strategic marketing expert whose work "demystifies successful practices in a way that should encourage and inspire other marketers."