The two-volume Brazil Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the Republic is an introductory work intended for those in search of basic information about Brazilian institutions, businesses, social issues, and culture. At the same time, it is a work that reflects the nation's geographic, demographic, economic, and cultural diversity.
The wide-reaching encyclopedia offers an entry for each Brazilian state with information about the land, climate, economy, and culture. It also offers extensive coverage of the country's political parties and leaders, its governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the environmental issues and social problems that shape Brazilian politics today. In addition, the work pays considerable attention to the economy and business through entries on industry, agriculture, commerce, banking, and economic policies. Finally, there are entries that illuminate various aspects of Brazil's culture, including the nation's social movements, religion, education, music, cuisine, and literature, as well as personalities from sports and entertainment.
About the Author: John J. Crocitti, PhD, is professor of history at San Diego Mesa College.
Monique M. Vallance, PhD, earned her doctoral degree in the history of Portugal at the University of California, Santa Barbara, but her scholastic and research interests also focus on Brazil, particularly in the early modern period.